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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Both fixed. thanks for bringing it to my attention ;)
  2. Make sure you hook mirror mode while logged out, if you forgot to do that, just re-log and it will detect everything normally
  3. Czar


    Make sure to use fixed mode (not resized) and to enable 'right-click always' in your rs click settings, and you will never have problems ever
  4. Czar

    MirrorClient v1.091

    beastttttttt gj mgi
  5. Fixed, should no longer be doing that. Stop script, refresh scripts and start it again and it will work normally (important: you must refresh script to re-load the webdata)
  6. If it ever walks around anywhere, just show me a screenshot and I will fix it asap
  7. welcome, i hear czar makes some quality premium scripts, but what do i know
  8. wew the tournament looks fun lol, kudos rs
  9. Czar


    I have made sure it is not detectable by making the click rate unique, so it can spam click like a human, however any action in RS can be patternized, even if a human plays, so that is why I have randomized it a little, to throw jagex off their course and decrease ban rate ;) As for the arrows, the script re-equips them when you are running out of arrows or when you have more than 100 in your inventory, make sure you are keeping inventory open. @Triifiinity, make sure you have enough RAM on your computer otherwise it can mess up the speed of the script. It doesn't even require much ram, how many bots are you running?
  10. Will post an update asap. As for nickwhite, just restart the client or refresh scripts and it will update to the current version (0.25)
  11. Make sure your iron knife is in your equipment when you start the script, confirm you already did that and I will push an update asap
  12. click the 3rd button on the top right and show me what it says so I can help you
  13. It should say 0.19 now, all scripts on osbot were compiled around ~8 hours ago
  14. Make sure you hook mirror mode while your account is logged out otherwise it will not detect the inventory EDIT: Yesss, the script has been updated to version 0.25, enjoy guys and let me know how the walking goes ;)
  15. Show me a screenshot and show me the console log
  16. Version 0.19 - Added 'Walker 2.0' option in GUI - this is a nice improvement to the walking system This new feature uses clipping flags to identify paths, so if you use upstairs mode, it's worth giving this option a try ;) update will be live within a few hours ;)
  17. Czar


    so far he's doing a very good job, usually i have to send multiple reports for stuff around here, but with this mod everything gets handled within <5 minutes
  18. Hmm good idea, I can add that to this script I guess
  19. Trust me dude, once the script gets to version 0.31 (which will be today) it will work perfectly. All it needed was a little tweaking to get it right. It didn't get to OSBot front page for no reason (very popular script)
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