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Everything posted by Czar

  1. gj on the stable and latest version idea
  2. yep, read post above ;)
  3. Will fix this immediately, the new OSBot update changed some stuff, so I have to follow the new update. Sorry mate EDIT: Fixed, update should be live within a few hours
  4. make sure to use fixed mode, don't change any of the settings edit: Fixed, Version 1.36 - Fixed script for resize-able mode, should no longer be messing up update should be live within a few hours
  5. i guess I can add that ;)
  6. ok guys if anybody wants trials just post here, I will activate it after the script is online
  7. i'm uploading now, perhaps within a day or two
  8. you are all legends, its very nice to see these kind posts
  9. tysm ;D i will probably add Tan Leather option if its demanded
  10. ty guys i really appreciate it ;D
  11. #1 SOLD MAGIC SCRIPT #1 MOST FEATURES MAGIC SCRIPT Want to see how well this script compares to other scripts? Visit the Popular Page to see the list of scripts ranked by popularity! Thank you everyone for all the support and feedback, this script officially is the most sold magic script on the market! Since 2015 it has been continually updated all the way to 2022! ESC MODE, HOVER-CLICK, NEAREST ITEM CLICK, FLAWLESS Anti-ban and Optimal script usage Anti-ban: - Don't go botting more than 3 hours at once, take breaks! Otherwise the ban-rate is highly increased! - Bans also depend on where you bot, for the best results: bot in unpopular locations Banking-related spells are the lowest ban-rate (spells which require banking or can be casted near a bank, e.g. superheating, maybe alching, jewelry enchanting etc etc) since you can just go to a full world and blend in with other non-bots (humans), for example: world 2 grand exchange If casting spells on npcs, then unpopular locations reduce the banrate by alot, So make sure not to go to botting hotspots otherwise you may be included in ban waves. - Some good areas used to be (until some got popular): grizzly bear, yanille stun-alching, any overground tiles (upstairs etc) but once the areas are overpopulated, try to go to another location which is similar to the aforementioned locations. This is a very popular thread with many many users so if a new location is mentioned, the location will be populated very quickly so I can only suggest examples of good locations - Don't go botting straight after a game update, it can be a very easy way to get banned. Wait a few hours! If you ever get banned, just backtrack your mistakes and avoid them in the future: you cannot be banned without making botting mistakes. Keep in mind you can be delay-banned from using previous scripts, so don't go using free/crap scripts for 24 hours then switching to a premium script, because the free/crap previous script can still get you banned! For more anti-ban information, see this thread which was created by an official developer: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/45618-preventing-rs-botting-bans/
  12. Czar


    well I would suggest using mirror mode, since it eliminates client detection completely, other than that just delete jagexcache and random.dat and you will be fine for the future. yesterday there was a ban wave, so many users from other scripts and other bots were also banned manually by jmods
  13. Czar


    impressive, keep us updated !
  14. Yep, it seems there was a ban wave today, many users got banned in other scripts too
  15. Just made another update, will be live within a few hours done
  16. its finaly happening, #tom4cba
  17. good luck man, you will get 99 in no time @Fishing tuna and swordfish, I will make some changes, it's not a big problem, update coming soon ;)
  18. good idea, will definitely add that as for dropping, did you have antipattern dropping enabled?
  19. will fix asap. in the meantime, until my update is pushed, enable right-click only in rs settings
  20. as long as you use mirror + czarscripts, you will be fine ;) good luck brah
  21. Czar


    dont worry, I made it rune arrows, the update should be live within a few hours
  22. I pushed an update a few hours ago, it should be here soon ;D
  23. no worries, I pushed an update a few hours ago, it should be here soon
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