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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Will fix Gnome stronghold asap
  2. Yeah @nasa, I'm working on a more accurate yet similar low banrate dropping method as we speak, I'm worried about making it too accurate because more accuracy = more robotic, more mistakes = more human, etc. I am going to balance it out to make it 50/50. update will be here within 30 minutes
  3. I made it open them and drop noose wands, anything else for the next version?
  4. EquipmentSlot.WEAPON.slot
  5. One more update, and hunter kits will be fine again, apologies for the delay! 0.32 will be much better ;)
  6. @Granathen, re-log, and don't hook mirror mode while logged in :P (if you don't use mirror, confirm it) @Iship, will add ASAP, thanks mate :p
  7. Show me the map area and I'll add it carefully
  8. Fixed, apologies, update will be live within a few hours
  9. Czar


    It does spend tickets, just open the shop manually (I even made a info text on the paint for this :P)
  10. dont enable the 'stop when out of runes' option then, read posts above -___- otherwise just make sure you enter the item name correctly
  11. inspired by the slayer gui i hope
  12. fixed, update will be live within a few hours
  13. it mines runite but I still need to configure banking for it
  14. Sure, which GUI option did you select
  15. Don't enable 'stop when out of runes', it breaks every spell apparently, I will amke some changes to it, but just don't enable that for now. @Jesus, did you check out the latest update (for hunter kits)
  16. fixed, apologies guys! next update will no longer keep opening the settings tab (and it wont let any user die)
  17. Czar


    Fixed, apologies, will be live within a few hours
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