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Everything posted by Czar

  1. There has been an error in the system, I have updated it, none of my scripts were loading at all so I had to fix it Admins will register the update ASAP, so sorry about this ! it will be back to normal in no time To avoid any inconvenience, after this update is through, I will grant all users here a free premium script of mine for 1 month. I will also reward new customers to this script (while this update is pending) a free unlimited premium scripts. I don't want to lose any business for these hours.
  2. Hmm looks like you've already had a trial I re-activated it, please use it this time
  3. Holy crap, just posted an update fixing that, it is loading my questing script instead , for some reason Don't worry I fixed it, just waiting on admin
  4. Script shows up within 5 minutes depending on your payment type, e-cheque is the slowest one but if you haven't received the script just pm me I will activate it manually, make sure to show proof that you bought it so I don't get scammed
  5. Should be 0.45 anytime soon (look at the paint not the console because the console one isn't right version) @Mirror ya, mirror is a complete mess atm, it randomly works/doesn't work, dw the developers know about this they said they are going to fix soon ^^
  6. trials activated - good luck ;)
  7. You select screen mode in the first setup window (that pops up when starting the script), you select banking/dropping whichever one you want, then wait a few seconds (up to 5 seconds max) until it loads the rocks on the screen, then just click on any rock you wish to mine, and the bot will go mine it New update! Version 0.45 - Added neitiznot runite rock support, should be much better. If not, I will add another update ASAP ! - Mining guild is fixed for screen mode, it used to only work for list mode, but now it works for both please allow a few hours for this update to be registered, thanks all good luck edit: next update will be a massive update to gem rocks, and a perfection update to runite ore depending on the feedback of version 0.45 above
  8. Strange, it seems to be clicking perfectly fine for me Do you have lagg on your pc or something? Anyhow I will try and make it more accurate, but misclicks are good for antiban, because humans aren't perfect
  9. Restart client, unfortunately OSBot client doesn't load any bots sometimes (rarely) happens to all bots on this site, simple client restart solves it
  10. trial activated - good luck ;)
  11. trial activated - good luck ;)
  12. Glad to hear positive reviews, good luck all @travy Done - refresh scripts and enjoy trial ;)
  13. Done, refresh scripts and enjoy ;)
  14. @Midnight - which gui options did you select? List mode/screen mode etc. @Deposit - I will make it deposit all except important items (pickaxes), thanks for feedback ! EDIT: It doesn't deposit pickaxe.. are you using a different kind of pickaxe? o_O @Rune rocks I need to test neitiznot runite because it is only a beta option (since the reqs are incredibly high) so I could only add a base for runite ore. If you want to help with runite ore (no I won't ask for any accounts) just hover over the rock with entity debug hover enabled, and take a screenshot. here is example: Here is how to debug the rock (so I can add 100% full support for neitiznot rune rocks) All it takes is a screenshot of the debug information (the box with all the rock data) Please make sure the rock is available (not empty) before doing that ^
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    For outside npcs, you need to turn on simple mode, since that option is designed for npc's without any doors/obstacles, and it will not bug out ;)
  16. The 2 for 1 deal will return once my next batch of scripts are released (at least 6 scripts), and the deal will not be 2 for 1, it will be 3 for 1, to celebrate a total of 20 scripts (soon to be) :D glad to hear these positive reviews, good luck all ;)
  17. Turn off AFK mode it will not log out It is there to save your account from bans, usually bots/players who afk/logout are less botlike
  18. Czar


    10 hours, going strong, 33-70 range no bans whatsoever, going for 75 for toxic blowpipe
  19. Czar


    Oh, the paint showed that ESC mode was off, that's why :P Apologies, I edited the post above Oh, you need GP to play the minigame dude, we both forgot about that lmao
  20. Sure I can bring back cannon hop, it will be live in the next update @Soisa I had to disable the player count world hopper because it wasn't being used properly I will re-introduce the cannon world hop though, no worries
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