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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Ah that's unfortunate Nice to see it got 40-62 attack + strength though, but if you want to avoid bans make sure to bot when jmods are offline, try mirror mode, log out during rs livestreams, don't bot more than 12/hrs day without mirror, 18+ with mirror, and bans will be VERY low after that. Also, how did it glitch? Is that just a way to blame the script or did it really glitch?
  2. I will re-enable the profit counter, thanks for the feedback @Trial, done , good luck ;)
  3. Turn off AFK mode if you don't want to log out, it should do the trick ;) @in famous the czarbot deal has ended, although I am relaunching it when the next batch of czarscripts is out, with an even better deal than before
  4. Oo I will add the remainder of Zeah banks, thanks for reminding me As for bird nests and other options: I will re-introduce the old script setup window, since it had world hopper, bird nest looting, stop at X level, antiban option etc. and this new one missed those out update coming up !
  5. Ban rate for bank-related tasks is very low, almost none, (if you are in w2 and blend in) Ban rate for stun/alching totally depends on where you stunalch, if you are in a typical botting location the ban rate will be higher, I recommend going to a place which is above ground floor, or underground (anywhere where it's not popular) with the exception of lesser demon in wizard's tower
  6. Script is working now, please ignore all the above posts, updates take ~12 hours to register and those posts were related to the old version thanks all, and good luck ;) @Scracky darts/arrows should be fine now, let me know if they ever mess up and I will post a fix ASAP @Mystical - glory support will be here very soon, I need it in my AIO fighter too so I absolutely must code it, apologies for lateness
  7. Version 0.07 - Fixed pathfinding, had to change map values since Zeah ruined the map handler - Added a dialog warning to avoid any errors in the script, more user friendliness (only happens if you are not using deathwalk) - GUI Options are now correctly saved and loaded upon starting/stopping script
  8. Done, refresh scripts and enjoy ;) @Clown the czarscripts deal is no longer running, it will be back when my next batch of scripts is released, so everybody can enjoy it ;)
  9. Make sure you didn't select stun alch mode, it makes you log out if you don't have an item to alch Very common mistake So just select [stun spells] WITHOUt [stun + alch spells] edit: Script has been updated, enjoy all, thank you for being patient.
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Script should launch as normal now, good luck all
  11. Gratz on 99 fletching :D also make sure to start script while logged in, it usually solves all startup issues and freezes
  12. done, refresh scripts and enjoy ;)
  13. Alright, which settings did you enable? Show a screenshot of the GUI setup that you used Also, if you are using mirror mode, did you attach the client before logging in the game? Make sure you do that to avoid any null entities
  14. Amazing update, good job guys ! ;)
  15. New update! - Script cycle time increased (from 1ms to 600ms) the script should now be less ADHD/hyperactive and more humanlike/lazylike, also reducing cpu usage next update will include a revamp of the junk dropping system latest version is now 0.78 - please allow some time for the update to be registered by the admins, good luck all
  16. Good luck man , let me know if any suggestions/ideas/bugs ;)
  17. Did you load the food items before starting the script? It's a common mistake to forget it :p but anyway I will add some nice safety features so it avoids ever doing that ;)
  18. Script is undergoing an update, it should be back to normal today, just waiting for the update to be registered
  19. I agree, the old interface was more user-friendly and allows more control, in fact I will add that, thanks for the feedback
  20. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    The script is undergoing an update, it should be launchable (back to normal) within a few hours. Atm OSBot client doesn't allow the script to start, the admins are working on a fix ASAP
  21. Yeah there's currently a bug with mirror mode and walking tile flags (obstacles etc) it happens completely randomly, so sometimes it works fine but if it ends up loading the region incorrectly.. then bug it currently affects most walking-related scripts such as combat scripts etc, motherlode mine (with the rockfalls), stronghold (with all the doors) MGI has been notified of this and he said there will be a fix in the next version of mirror mode Here is the thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/90826-edit-mirror-issue-flags-arent-getting-updated/ With injection mode it works like a charm though, I have been running it in stealth injection and so far so good
  22. The only thing I can think of atm is the mirror mode canReach bug, it currently affects most walking-related scripts such as combat scripts etc, motherlode mine (with the rockfalls), stronghold (with all the doors) MGI has been notified of this and he said there will be a fix in the next version of mirror mode Here is the thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/90826-edit-mirror-issue-flags-arent-getting-updated/
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