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Everything posted by Czar

  1. With range you need to start the script with arrows equipped so it will know which arrows to loot, currently supports all arrows
  2. I had to disable world hopper because some users were ruining it for everybody, although I can add a warning option to it As for rare drop table, do you want another tab to select which rare drop table items to loot? I can easily add that
  3. The randomize breaks option has been known to cause problems especially with low break timers, according to other scripters too, try to increase the break time to more than 20 minutes or something, it should be better
  4. @krp I just tried standing there and running the script and it walks down the ladder perfectly fine, did you enable randomized breaks? there is a bug for breaks which makes bots just stand still. Anyhow make sure to set the mouse zoom all the way to the left, for better mouse clicks etc I will leave the bot on for a few more hours to see if it gets stuck there, but so far so good it's running well Here is a small proggy for iron mining, been making bank here: @nouritje it doesn't support motherlode mine i had to make it a separate bot on this site but you can have both trials added to main thread
  5. Glad to hear it is working flawlessly, if it ever goes wrong just screenshot and copy + paste the console log it will be fixed in no time Also try not to set the break amount to a very low number (<10 minutes) it can mess with the bot
  6. Must have been from previous use of scripts, it's the only explanation for quick bans. Some users bot like 24/7 on a blast furnace script for example, then be like wtf I used mining script for 10 mins and got banned? :p Jagex likes to give delayed bans so the user is confused on what/why they were banned, smart move :p @tectum - activated good luck ;)
  7. New script gui update should be live any time soon, had to add it for the screen mode too, good luck all, let me know if anybody wants to see a new feature on the setup window or something ;) As for trials, done - good luck ;) @bots post screenshot of console log pls
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    It shouldn't be flagged from dying because bot's usually don't die, if anything it actually helped the account seem more human But in the future make sure to hide the npc attack option so osbot client mouse handler doesn't misclick on a guard or something ;)
  9. Czar


    Alright then try the backup option: turn off esc mode and set the mouse zoom to default (by right clicking it) and it will activate the old mode which has been in this script for months. Make sure you set mouse zoom to default or it will not activate and it will just stand still! good luck ! edit: but I reallllllly recommend using esc mode and putting the mouse zoom far away, the only way it will ever not work is if you don't setup mirror mode properly (which is a common mistake and affects all bots on this website) Make sure you hook mirror mode, while your RS account is logged out - then log in manually, and start the script. It will work if you do that 100% :D
  10. Posted an update for deathwalking: Version 0.1 update will be registered within a few hours, thanks for feedback and good luck ;)
  11. Make sure to start the script while logged in, and make sure to not set the break timer to a very low amount (less than 20 can go wrong, make it a bit higher) and it will work like a charm ;)
  12. Excellent progress report, added to main thread As for bans make sure to log out during rs live streams, log out during updates and don't login immediately after a system update, reply to ingame chat and don't dress like a bot, if you conquer those points you will have less experience with bans ;)
  13. @ridnem sorry for the wait man, if you have any accs with gem bag I can finish it in 5 minutes or so ^^ @raunoo done - activated a further 24 hours, good luck ;) post some proggies guys, glad to see that mining guild is back to normal :D
  14. @rafeal make sure you select the correct option, you clicked highalch + stun, just click high alch works like charm ;) @skoomas yes it does curse alching, activated a trial good luck @mr sunflowa withdraw some fire runes to take up that space so you have 25 inventory spaces left. As for string jewelry I will shorten the delay since 5-7 seconds is too long, thanks for feedback @moneymaking the easiest way is sapphire rings atm ^^ @trials - done good luck
  15. Ban rate for motherlode is lower than zeah + regular mining, although a few hidden mining regular spots are on par Just make sure to avoid bans by not botting too much (no more than 12 hrs/day without mirror mode, and 18+ with mirror mode), speak/reply to chat messages, log out during livestream and avoid rs update days. That is the general anti ban ;)
  16. Update 0.44 posted, should no longer have rare bug of getting stuck Gem rocks also fixed, good luck all ;) @Proggy good job added to main thread ;)
  17. Czar


    Turn on esc mode, all problems solved ;) Here is the GIF: Make sure it's enabled, then let the script handle the rest ;) good luck
  18. @Trials - done, good luck @String jewelry - posted an update, should be much better (version 0.64) should be registered within a few hours max
  19. Added a quick update for the draynor tree thing, it should walk left/right to avoid bugging out Some more nice updates will be placed today, glad you are enjoying the script guys :D
  20. Alright gem rocks will receive a massive update, almost made my bond back so I can become p2p and quickly go test the area myself and add a quick update for today
  21. done, refresh scripts and it should appear , good luck !
  22. Posted another update, should be live anytime soon , thanks for feedback. Also included the gangplank failsafe just in case
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