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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Stronghold is pending an update so whoever asked for stronghold trial has 48 hours instead of 24 hours until the update is live as for the rest: good luck, trials activated
  2. New update! Version 0.15 is now the latest version. - added improvements to walking - added improvements to banking - added support for dynamic features (insane reliability update) @villze which items are you attempting to bank, I will make sure they run fine in this version. with this new dynamic features, certain features such as the walking algorithm or banking system can be changed without having to update the script (and wait hours). After this update is live, this dynamic feature system will be ready. And if there is ever a problem, it can be fixed instantly. thanks, please allow a few hours for this update to be registered by the admin(s) Also, amazing proggies: added to main thread !
  3. Update is live, good luck all Been doing well with jewelry enchanting, profit was made over the weekend
  4. The bot will find the nearest free npc, that's what all players do, I really don't understand what you're suggesting As for the other updates, I made the eating HP randomized and more unique, I improved banking and pathfinding too
  5. Fast mode has been fixed, both normal mode and fast mode are now functioning well Update should be live anytime soon EDIT: The script is working 100% as normal right now, doesn't log me out whatsoever: My setup: Ignore the un-attackable npc, the system still works :P Version 0.65 too Just make sure you select the correct option and it will work fine
  6. Update is now live, good luck all. Script/trials have been activated too Another update has been placed for improved pathfinding and clicking system, should be even better than it was before update will be live in version 0.59. Glad to hear the script is back to normal
  7. Hmm, try freeing up an inventory space, so withdraw 1 less food or something, it should work. In the meantime I will be adding an update for it to make it less confusing
  8. Another update has been placed, version 0.11 will be live in the next update Should be much better, try it (once it goes live) Please allow a few hours for this update to be registered by the admins
  9. Tars have finally been added, they are now in version 0.52 of the script (latest update) please allow a few hours for the update to be registered The next update (after this one) will most likely be an alternative to banking (using noted herbs on a bank to speed up process) as an option in the setup window
  10. Glad to hear @Midnight how is the script now?
  11. Czar


    That's strange dude, getting banned over the weekend is super rare, you must have been reported many times or something, do you reply to ingame chat? do you dress like a bot? is your username non-human? do you do legit stuff inbetween botting sessions? for me it's been going well with another script, which is higher banrate than range guild, made almost 8m profit in just 1 account
  12. It seems to have improved by a lot ever since you made that update , but there is still that rare chance which it can happen but a chicken killer stays in one place, it doesn't move around (so it's not refreshing the map many times) like a stronghold script, a stronghold script loads a new region at least 4-5 times in 1 trip ^ i may be wrong on this, mgi confirm please
  13. Apologies I was trying to rename the magic option labels (in the setup window) Anyway, I have reverted the update, and everything will be back to normal once this update is live. The new version is (0.66) and it will work flawless as usual Please allow a few hours for the update to be registered by the admins
  14. East (main) is just east of the main area, I will try to make it less confusing in the next update As for attacking, the bot is not programmed to attack experiments which are in combat, it will only attack the experiments which are free, and are not level 51 edit; Trials activated - good luck ;)
  15. Thanks for all the support guys, glad to see the script is back to normal Here is a preview of the total stats (as of 5 days), it still needs to register all the users on this bot, there's a good 1,000+ more
  16. Hmm I would have to assume mirror client is the problem, it's loading perfectly fine for stealth injection:
  17. Version 0.46 has been posted. Improvements to: - Rune rocks -- Added bridge for neitiznot - Gem rocks - Mining guild pathfinding update should be live within a few hours max. I have a few more updates and anti-fails coming up too Including a timeout for walking, a timeout for gaining xp, etc. If walking takes too long (if it gets stuck or something) it will boost it (similar to pause/restart script), if xp isn't gained within 10 minutes (same effect). And if nothing happens for 20 minutes then script stops, to protect your account Let me know how Gem Rocks are, I extended the path so it knows how to find the gem rocks. If it doesn't work in this update (0.46) tell me what settings you used so I can go and test it again, but it's working for me now
  18. thanks for positive support everybody Also , to the user asking for czar range, make sure to enable ESC mode, I provided instructions in the range guild thread, it should get the bot up and running
  19. Posted a fix, new update is version 0.10, thanks for the feedback, good luck with this nice new version :D
  20. Czar


    I don't know man, the script is extremely lightweight, any memory problems may come from the client itself Note to potential customers: there are no problems with memory so don't hesitate to try this script. Ask for a trial if you want, I allow 24 hour trials
  21. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    If you are ever having any walking issues just use stealth injection it will work better, let me know if you didn't use mirror mode @Johnny styles - done - good luck
  22. New update! Version 0.66 - Added delay for string jewellery spell update will be live when admins register it (within a few hours max) thanks all, good luck ;)
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