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Everything posted by Czar
done good luck ;) use the second walking option for best results you will see what i mean when the setup window appears
thanks man, lemme know how the update goes, the paint should say version 0.49 now, if not, we just have to wait a few hours or so until the admins register the update If it's 0.49, post some proggies or error reports (if any), good luck ;)
789k xp/hr wtfffffff, almost 99 thieving aswell , meanwhile i'm only 80 thieving rip done good luck ! ;)
Wow I was gunna post a 300k xp/hr proggy but 500k xp/hr @Sean001 use the second walking option for ardy, and don't use simple or save npc mode. Just enable antipattern and it should be fine @Nickiminaj doesn't it the script beep anymore? I will make some changes ASAP. It was supposed to beep more after my last update Here's the kind of xp rates for just 55 thieving :P Version 0.78 coming up asap
Posted an update for version 0.49, upstairs mode is back to normal. Won't get stuck anymore Please allow a few hours for the update to be registered, gl all ^^
Not yet, I still haven't gotten ardy cloak yet as achievement reward I will find an account with it don't worry, it will be done ASAP As for trials, good luck. Posted another update regarding the banking return (18 tiles away system) edit: also, if you want, while the update is being registered, just change the walking option, there's 3 options (osbot webwalker etc etc). If one of them doesn't work, try the next one. I provided 3 to cover all mining and banking areas, each of them have unique results
done good luck on trial Btw guys, if you are doing stalls, and if you are using mirror mode, it's best to set the reaction time lower, so the objects are refreshed quicker and so you don't miss out on stall thieving, my client is set to 100ms: EDIT: The reaction time by default is 1,000ms which is basically 1 second. So this means that every 1 second, all npcs/objects are refreshed. So there's a delay of 1 second for all changes in the RS world. The higher it is, the slower it takes for the client to realize something is gone (be it an npc or an object, bakers stall in this case will be empty). If you are not using mirror mode, ignore this post completely and have fun This is just a tip for mirror mode users ^^
Perhaps not using the latest OSBot version? (2.4.43) that's all I can think of, the script runs fine for myself and everybody else
Weird, make sure you select the right walking option for fishing guild. I suggest using second option (walking) for fishing guild, try others, there's 3 to choose from. All have different results. good luck ;)
Posted an update for burgh de rott, should be live in version 0.66, excellent choice, banrates must be low there Trials activated, Rellekka banking coming up (for users who didn't finish quest) thanks for positive feedback and support guys, good luck ;)
Guys, remember to set mouse zoom to far away, for best results, good luck all
thank you for the feedback, I have noted the entire suggestions post down and will make another big update :D In the meantime, glad to see more users using nature chest stalls and ardy knights - the gold rate is 1:200 dmm so I can imagine some users here are making BANK off selling gold ^^ New updates coming up :D Going to leave my bots on while coding the latest updates
it's called ocr : WHILE RUNNING AROUND IN THE BEGINNING COLLECft Raw Bear Meat, Roy Rat Meat, Raw Beef, Raw Chicken • start gnome stronghold. get up agility to level 31 (varrock rooftop for laterrshortcut) • Run to ardougne • Go upstairs pet shop, steal men till 5 thieving • Run Cake stall. do takes till level 20 (bank rakes for quests later) • start doing silks. meanwhile run muleto Ardougne by taking lever in Edgeville after getting 10k from stronnhold & bliving 6 of each elemental runes in yarrock rune shop) • Sell silk. transfe mon, to mu le • Buy rope in Ardougne shop • Time for Waterfa piest ibr,x fi earth, water, air runes from rnule & roPe & mkes) • Finish 'Nate hell Q.lest • Mule Rewards lees. Tithe il Seeds for Underground Pass later) • Home teleport to Limbridge • Grab Bronze Fame incase youlostoneupsteirstowers near exit Lumbridge Castle) • Finish Rune Mysteries • Run back to Varrock using River Lum Agility shortcut (requires 31) • Grab 10K from Stronghold • Walk to Varrock Castle, Start Priest in Peril • Walk to Rune Shop, teleportto essence mine, mine 50 essence (safe-deposit things like axe, pickaxe, knife all the time!) • Buy bucket from General Store or grab one upstairs in Varrock Castle • Finish Priest in Peril (bring bucket and 50 pure ess) • Walk back to Varrock East Mine, Mine Copper &Lin) • Bank aporox 150 Ores, Cut trees till 10 Retching) • Nome Mleport Lumbfidge (bring 1000 coins. knife, pickaxe) • Smelt Ores, you now have the requirements for The Tourist Trap • Finish Tourist Trap • Time to startThieving (53 for DT °flyways) in Ardougne for cash to buy runes for Magic • Use Runes on Black Knights north to Varrock for law runes & mfe xp • Get up 55 magic for access to Mage Guild, best place to train magic/range, buy all law runes and mule them • Proceed questing/thieving (55 thieving for paladins, 53 is req for DT) feel free to format ^
Brought to you by the #1 most sold script series on the market. Come and see why everyone's choosing Czar Scripts! This is the most advanced Agility bot you will find anywhere. $9.99 SCRIPT INSTRUCTIONS Optimal Setup for the bot: Please set the mouse zoom to far away (to the left, like below) so that more obstacles can be seen in the view, and so the script can be more stable and reliable Also, make sure to have roofs toggled off (either go to settings tab or type ::toggleroof) for optimal results
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Guys, if you are thieving guarded stalls (silk stalls, cake stalls, silver stalls) I highly recommend hopping to a world with more players. The way the bot works is by mimicking other players (hopefully human players) so the bot can calculate the best location to stand, to thieve in, and to run away to. That is because avoiding the guards requires a human brain, or a very very advanced AI. Other than that I highly recommend pickpocketing ardy knights, that's how I made bank in the previous deadman mode and ended up making more than 2m and got 99 thieving so easily lmao. Nature runes are good too, those are the hotspots for this script, up until 84 which is when rogues chest kicks in, if you are brave enough to thieve from those ^^ :P Posted a nice update regarding the deadman chest, the cpu usage, and some antiban mouse movements. Latest update is: 0.77 , please allow a few hours for the update to register, good luck all
Yes there is a way to buy scripts with 07 rsgp, go to this subforum and exchange the gp for a voucher: http://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/ Choose any trusted voucher seller and then you can use the voucher to buy the script good luck ;) only takes like 10 mins
Yes deadman mode is supported 100%, especially nature rune chests ^^ @jp52 you gotta start the script in a populated world at silk stalls, since the bot works best by mimicking human players for silk stalls (and other stalls which have guards) Let me know how it goes, although I HIGHLY recommend thieving elsewhere, guarded thieving zones are so unpredictable even for the best bots in the world, since they require a human brain @Trezide which options did you select, i'm blackjacking the unbearded bandit and it's working fine, make sure you lured the npc before attempting to run the script
You gotta start the script while logged in, otherwise it may not even start. The bot is only programmed to stop under these conditions: - Attempting to start the script while logged out - Run out of b2p tabs (while in b2p mode only) - Run out of ammo (while ranging only) Good luck ;)
Unlucky man, easter is coming up so the ban rate will be non-existent hopefully, which means 24/7 botting without bans ^^ For the time being, make sure to just log out during rs twitch livestreams, reply to in-game chat, appear non-botlike (with gear), delete jagexcache to avoid linked accounts etc etc