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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Well for herblore you don't realllly need a game plan for botting, although yes I would say 3/1 hr botting is fine, just don't overdo it and you'll be fine with herblore (and other bank-related skills)
  2. Posted an update for safespotting, should be visible in version 0.24 of the bot, just waiting on admins to register the update ^^ Ankou and flesh crawler safespots are back to normal, working fine now Message to all (safespots): - There is only 1 ankou safespot on runescape, so it will automatically go to the south spot - For flesh crawlers, the recommended safespot is the southeast safespot
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Alright latest updates: - Added a more frequent beep for rogue chest area if pkers are nearby (let me know how it goes!) - Enabled alching for nature rune chests - Beta blackjack feature is now live, please note it's only beta, no luring yet, just start the script ready, near your chosen blackjack npc latest version is 0.74
  4. Czar


    Done good luck, I don't condone suicide botting though :P Bot with care!
  5. glad to hear nice results, I've been using this bot for goldfarming on fresh accounts to make money for bonds etc. I am basically running at least 10-15 accounts per node, gaining average ~75k/hr across all accounts just from mining iron. The bot works exceptionally better with screen mode than it does with list mode. The only reason I keep list mode there is because some users (even me) can't be bothered to walk to the mining spot, so they just use list mode to get there, then stop script, then switch to screen mode :P
  6. Make sure you don't have too many items in your inventory, all you need is a hammer and a pickaxe (or equip if possible), otherwise the bot can be unpredictable. Restart the bot, clear the ore hopper, start it up again and it should work flawlessly after that ^^ Especially in version 0.48 of the bot
  7. Preview of the latest version: Latest updates: - Added mining area travel option (allows you to decide how to go to the mining area, teleports etc) - Added banking travel option
  8. Handled, can this be closed please? My script series' reputation is on the line here, all for this over-exaggerated thread..
  9. Czar


    To re-iterate: Check the main thread for more instructions if necessary, although it really isn't rocket science :P As for trial, gl 24 hours ;)
  10. I activated the script before the user posted this..
  11. @Mike is there a console message or anything? If so, post it and I will check out the script asap ^^ As for trials, gl ;) I just posted another update for version 0.48, this time the version should be updated more quicker, automatically ^^
  12. Czar


    If you are having issues, do whichever one is easiest: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Option A: Set mouse zoom to default (by right clicking it) Turn off esc mode (look at the main thread for instructions) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Option B: Turn on esc mode -------------------------------------------------------------------- I assume option A has the best results, but option B is the easiest to configure, so change around the settings to optimize the script, and gl on 99 range gratz on 98 range man, very glad to see almost another 99 from this script
  13. I will post an update to make it search for other targets better, from my rock crab code ^^ update coming up
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Preview of upcoming blackjack update: (apologies for lag) As for ardy, if the bot acts weird, let me know and I will go check it out. Usually those areas are the most risky to bot in, because they require a human brain Bots are silly, but I will try and code it the best for handling guards. If there's multiple guards there, not even a human can tackle it I made the bot mimic humans though, so go to a high populated world, and it will mimic other players, which is by far the best solution to this situation ^^ It evaluates the best places to thieve from, which spot , which runaway target etc etc. I would highly recommend thieving men until 5, tea stall until 38, master farmers until 45, blackjack until 99 As for trials, gl all
  15. Update posted, version 0.23 is the latest version. Updates: - Glory support added - Option to move mouse off screen randomly gl all please allow a few hours for the update to register ^^ Pic: notice the 2 new options at the bottom right :P
  16. Hmm i'm assuming you didn't use screen mode, but normal mode right? Screen mode is more suited toward less moving around, whereas list mode is for areas with many rocks which are far away (more moving around). I will add an update though, to tone down the movement thanks for feedback @andysalas done gl 24 hour trial, use screen mode for best results (in the setup window) ;)
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