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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Yes task mode is currently being worked on, just re-modelling the setup interface for the bot and it's ready for release ^^ As for breaks, that is achievable using osbot breaks, there is even an option to randomize it and to logout after X minutes, you should check it out, if you don't think it's good I can definitely come up with a nice break system if useful As for trial, good luck 24hrs ;)
  2. Bans quote: done good luck 24 hrs
  3. Alright should I make the looting delay longer? I intended to make it fast, looks like the bot is going too fast I guess. Update posted, should be live in version 0.13
  4. done gl all, 24 hour trial ;)
  5. done gl 24 hour trial ;)
  6. Sure, good luck (24 hrs) ;)
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Will post an update for blood chest, nobody's actually used it until now surprisingly, so I will post an anti-fail for it ASAP
  8. Please don't post promotion-related stuff here, it should be handled in PM. For the record: If you have gotten this script for free a while back, it may have disappeared due to admins changing the auth system. If you have 100% bought the script it will NEVER disappear, ever.
  9. Well currently it detects if you have the esc key enabled, if so, it will use it, if not, it will close bank the traditional mouse click way ^^ Good idea, I will make it save for my other bots too, (fletcher, mage etc). Update will be here shortly, just have to re-model the setup window a little
  10. For lunar spells (tan leather I'm assuming?) make sure you have the runes in your inventory, so there should be 3 of them. Even if you have the staff, just carry the runes too, so the bot doesn't get confused Also, gratz on 99 mage ! added to main thread gallery
  11. Ah you got really lucky, usually if you get banned they will just do a perm ban, but they only gave you a 2 day ban, trust me, nowadays that's like a gem. From now on you can either choose to bot slowly, (like 50% less) or not bot at all, your choice :P I'm glad to see another 99 from this script tho :P
  12. @Kyykis Ah I understand, I really appreciate the feedback , I removed some walking messages, including those that keep spamming the console now ^^ @knole There are two dropping styles to choose from, surely one must be in your favour, if not, I can easily add different variations of dropping styles, just say Also make sure to mention which one you tried, since there's the osbot dropping system and there's the custom dropping system :p @krp glad to hear this, good luck man ;)
  13. Czar


    It works, I posted the new update like yesterday :P Even got a recent 99 from a user ^^
  14. Depends, on weekends you can pretty much bot like double-time, I would say no more than 18 hours/day during weekends, with breaks of course ^^
  15. done and done, good luck 24 hours ;)
  16. What buttons did you click in the setup window? And how come your the only one with this problem @Mystical I have enabled the AIO stronghold, should be live any moment now gl ;)
  17. Wow, amazing 90 str ! gj man. As for walking, it should be out in this patch, along with a few more updates to waterbirth to stop it from teleing randomly ^^ update will be live within a few hours max. Latest version: 0.88
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Thanks man, mirror mode been taking some massive hits lately Theoretically, they say if it works for stealth injection, it should work for mirror too, but Also, if you are running multiple mirror mode clients it can also mess up, can you confirm it's only one client
  19. java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor17.newInstance(Unknown Source ) at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Sou rce) at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source) at org.osbot.core.api.Wrapper.wrap(yl:151) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Widgets.getWidgets(im:84) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Widgets.isVisible(im:106) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank.isOpen(oj:471) at perfect.scripting.script.module.PresetBank$2.condition(PresetBank.jav a:178) at org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep.sleep(kd:95) at perfect.scripting.script.module.PresetBank.openBank(PresetBank.java:1 84) at perfect.scripting.script.module.PresetBank.openBank(PresetBank.java:3 32) at com.PerfectFisher.onLoop(PerfectFisher.java:169) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(yg:194) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Union object is null or owned by someone else at client.nat.stream.Stream.m22(Native Method) at client.vjZg.getDisplayedTime(Unknown Source) at org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget.<init>(jp:219) ... 15 more Is that part of the new debug for widgets? The conditionalsleep only contains the osbot api method 'getBank().isOpen()'
  20. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Are you sure @Rent Money, you gotta hook mirror mode while logged out of rs otherwise the mirror client doesn't detect any npcs or objects properly @Nickiminaj sure I will add it right now, I thought nobody wanted that feature I'll just re-activate it since the code is already there As for blackjacking, I have made a lot of progress, just getting the timing right before I release it. After the blackjack timings are perfect I will add noted food support (for banking in general store), and lastly I will have to find a way to add luring support. That is the primary reason for the delay of blackjack feature - the luring system is VERY unpredictable and has a high fail rate in terms of coding it. Just needs a human brain But I will find a way, even if it means world hopping to find a suitable npc/lure spot combo Next update will be a big update ^^
  21. Oh no, did you really get banned? I didn't know they give out 1 year bans, troll or not? :P Nonetheless, gratz on 99 fletching at least ^^
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