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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar


    Script works like an absolute charm, just spent a premium bond to find out what I already know, please guys, just read the instructions it really isn't that difficult. Here is a quick preview: And the instructions, for those of you who are too lazy to read it, I have actually made a GIF for it: As for trials, good luck ;) 24 hrs
  2. Czar


    It works 100% make sure you have followed the instructions on main thread, re-log if using mirror mode and start script logged in. Make sure to have gp, set mouse zoom to far away, turn on esc mode and gl ! As for trial, done gl ;)
  3. No need to apologise, constructive criticism is always appreciated I will note the post down and add an update for the new locations asap ^^
  4. OHHHHH those, I will add those asap lol, so there's actually 3 varrock east yews? Should I name them: Varrock east yews 1, 2, 3 or Lumber yard yews 1, 2, 3
  5. If there's a range method for 70-80k/hr just tell me I will make a bot for it, also thanks for kind words ^^
  6. I made it slower due to complaints, people were saying it was too fast, did you try spam click mode? It's not as crazy as it sounds, but it's faster than normal mode. As for drop 1 mode, I will see what's going on and post an update asap. Also, @dudebro for crafting guild, you must use the 'global compass' mode, don't use 'osbot webwalker' because it can't handle doors, only the global compass mode can handle doors. If you have no idea what i'm talking about, just open the script and a popup box will appear and it will have 3 options, choose global compass. I say this because it's a relatively new update ^^ Let me know how it goes btw :P
  7. Done gl, as for glory support it will be added in next version asap including ankous gl all ;)
  8. That's weird, I posted an update it should fix that if it ever pops up. Version 0.65 is the latest version gl all ^^ please allow a few hours for update to be registered :P
  9. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Posted update version (0.71), removed the 'rushed' completely, should be back to normal now, please allow a few hours for update to be registered ^^ @nickiminaj I give 30 day trials to users who give positive reviews on the store page :P
  10. Nope, cpu seems fine to me, use OSBot webwalker if you want even lower cpu usage @Lucid, glad to hear the script works flawlessly, gl man ;)
  11. Jewelry enchanting has always been profitable, even more profitable if you buy/sell at the right price :P The xp is kinda low though, but the profit is worth it ^^
  12. I made it called varrock castle , hopefully it isn't too confusing, since people will think it's actually east of varrock or something :P Should I rename it?
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I found the problem, so sorry guys. The deadman code was kicking in, which made it print out that rushed nonsense ^^ Just posted version 0.70, should fix all of the eating problems, please allow a few hours for update to register ^^
  14. Yeh there's an option to hop worlds if there's no rock available but that's recommended only for rune rocks, if there's any other situation where you need it let me know and I will add extra features As for trials - good luck ;)
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