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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Alright no worries, I will make the script walk faster, and deposit faster. I did notice that I can make the deposit speed faster too, so both changes will be in the next update In the meantime, choose another script of mine for free, I suggest either the range guild, motherlode mine, or the magic script.
  2. Alright no worries, did you try screen mode or list mode? Screen mode works 10x better than list mode, so it's best to manually select the rocks that you want to start mining. I will go run another test at rimmington iron ore, if I see any bugs I will fix them ASAP. EDIT: Mined a full inventory of copper ore, went to port sarim, deposited only the copper (while the steel pickaxe was in inventory), I will check if there are any other bugs Just make sure to use screen mode, it will pretty much solve everything :P EDIT 2: But for your inconvenience, if mald isn't replying, I will activate a free premium script of mine (another one) which works better (or which is easier to setup/configure) so that you don't lose anything Just choose a script Here is mine 1 drop 1 (to prove dropping is working): the bot even hovers the inventory slot which the ore will go into :P
  3. If you want a refund request just pm @Maldesto but if you have a valid bug report it will get fixed. Port sarim bank works flawlessly, so I don't see what the problem is Is the bot trying to deposit the pickaxe or something?
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Script should be up and running right now, yesterday they made some weird osbot update. everything is fine now ^^
  5. Well, there's 3 types of ways to woodcut, and this script is very configurable, so are you sure you enabled the right settings? Usually I use screen mode because it's more convenient, list mode is 2nd, and map mode is last place. Although if you tried map mode, it will lag the bot unfortunately, so a client restart is necessary after even trying map mode But aside from that, try screen mode, click on a few good trees and let the bot do its thing XD I can make the script go even faster though, but I highly advise against a fast script (in terms of antiban and botlike behavior). I will add a checkbox in the setup called 'enable fast mode' in the next update, how's that? As for randoms, they are handled purely by the client so scripts can't handle them whatsoever, but that is a good idea. I can try to override the random handler and maybe not dismiss the genie lamps ^^ EDIT: @kenko I will post a fix for the map mode ASAP, thanks for feedback
  6. Try again, the bot is back online. gl all ;)
  7. Czar


    If you bot under the radar, and don't bot too much, you'll mostly avoid bans - but if you appear as an obvious bot (ignoring ingame chat, using bot gear, etc) then there is still a chance of ban. I usually avoid botting from 9am-5pm, but that's just me :P
  8. Czar


    Latest OSBot client update broke alot of scripts on this site, just waiting for devs to restore back to last client version ^^ should be up and running within 15 mins max EDIT: Update is now live, good luck all ;)
  9. Latest OSBot client update broke alot of scripts on this site, just waiting for devs to restore back to last client version ^^ should be up and running within 15 mins max EDIT: Update is now live, good luck all ;)
  10. Good job on update, glad to see a foundation for args
  11. The update should be live right now, good luck man ;)
  12. Czar


    Breaks are handled by the bot client man, make sure you set up your account in the account manager.
  13. Will add an update for superglass make spell thanks for kind words @Sola gratz on 94 mage man
  14. Well this script works best with screen mode, if you do list mode it will lag. I only left list mode in, because it's more convenient to let the bot walk to the area first Use case: > account is in falador bank > too lazy to walk all the way to mining guild and select ores > start bot, select mining guild, let the bot walk there > stop script > start bot again, this time select screen mode that's why i left list mode in there, I can easily remove it because screen mode > list mode ^^ If you selected screen mode and it's slow, then there is the option to hide paint, to make the script perform faster ^^ I can always make the paint more lightweight tho :P
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