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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Yes it should be the latest script, there was a version reset when I re-wrote the script from scratch for performance and efficiency imrpovements !
  2. Fixed, update will be live in v0.56 of the bot, thanks for feedback !
  3. So sorry, I will post an update right now for glory support! For spiders yes, just make sure you load the items in the setup window like in the main thread, the bot must know that guthans is to be used, so keep the guthans set in inventory when running the script, hit 'load inventory' and once it loads the items, click start ;)
  4. Members gate should be fixed in v0.71 of the bot ASAP, thanks for feedback ! Done, good luck ;)
  5. 94 range is awesome man gratz ^^ , just make sure not to bot too much, reply to in-game chat, avoid botting during UK work hours (jmods), avoid using the grand exchange after botting session (ge is monitored), do some quests legit, go pking etc. and it should be no problem ;)
  6. Activated both the range guild and mining script, gl ;)
  7. @Gilles123 Can you try a mirror mode restart and tell me if it still doesn't work? It seems to be hit-or-miss with mirror mode, it's related to rs interfaces, http://osbot.org/forum/topic/97411-osbot-mirror-widget-bug/ it has been posted before, but the solution should just be a client restart (i hope). Let me know how it goes, I will be trying it also, if it still happens after a client restart, confirm it and I will try to find a workaround ASAP @Ciihan I will test Mine 1 drop 1 too, I previously tried it without a full inventory that's why I must've missed it next round of updates will be posted soon, latest version 0.70. thank you for the constant feedback, I really appreciate it guys, it helps increase the script's quality
  8. Just did a test run of the latest version (0.68) seems to work MUCH better than the last version, especially when competing for rocks, update should be live any time today, just waiting for admins
  9. alright no worries ^^ latest update is now v0.68, should be live ASAP, it will show in paint (which will also be back to normal). - added an extra safety check when mining/dropping 1 ore - cpu should be improved more - rocks are much better now (finding/detecting) also hopping? @gilles123 said that it is now hopping correctly to f2p worlds, can you confirm it too?
  10. I would advise botting in non-uk work hours, since that's when jmods are at work (and are bot busting), but that's just my advice! XD Don't bot more than 12 hours /day, reply to in-game chat, avoid using the GE after a botting session (GE is monitored heavily) and make sure the character doesn't seem botlike @gilles123 the mining update for hopping to f2p worlds should be a global update, so if it works in mining script it will work in wc'er, etc etc ^^ thanks for bringing the world hopper to my attention though ^^
  11. In the last update I added a system which monitors the rocks that the bot is mining, so if the rock is gone it will beep (in debug mode) and there's 2 options that I can choose from, either click the empty rock again (ideal for clay mining) or pursue another rock. I made it click the rock again but I can easily make it wait/change rock. The system cycles ever 200ms (1/3 tick) so it may lag, I will try to make it 2/3 tick or every tick, but I want the bot to be as responsive as possible. The way I thought of it was competitive mode vs normal mode, competitive = mining rocks which respawn fast but also get mined fast.. So should I add an option for what to do if the rocks are lost? (if somebody mines the rock that your bot is mining and you don't get the ore) - Try mining rock again - Mine another rock
  12. It's not a joke, what are you talking about? Make sure you equip your arrows upon starting the bot, so the bot knows what ammo you are using .. then it will pick up the knives/arrows/w.e ^^ If it doesn't detect them, un-equip then re-equip, it should work 100% after that
  13. Posted new update (0.67) please turn off the paint until this update is live, the client is unable to display paint The update will be live today
  14. are you sure it was the agility script, since 35 minutes is too fast to detect a bot, maybe you used another bot before? If you used a free bot, then it would explain the ban very quickly, if not ,which other bots did you use?
  15. Czar


    I just converted the time zones, it should be ~3am-12am EST, avoid those botting hours That's jmod work hours but still, 82-93 range is insane, gj on that XD
  16. What is the actual bug/error? It seems to be running fine for me, even on v0.499, if the bot ever gets stuck upstairs, just post a screenshot of the bot client so I can add more walking nodes to the tiles ^^
  17. Well once the update is posted, we must wait for the admins/devs to register the update, it can take up to a few hours But aside from that, there's no actual issues (walking isn't even that slow..), screen mode + m1d1 works very well too, so there's no complaints there. I understand that depositing can take a few seconds long, but it shouldn't keep you from actually using the script, the ban rate doesn't even change, IDK what the problem is .. In the new update though, the bot actually detects that the ore has been mined and moves onto another one ^^ EDIT: If you are using mirror though, you can optimize it so the rocks are detected faster (reaction time) since mirror mode is actually 1 second slower than the normal client. This means that whenever an item/object/npc is changed in RS, the mirror mode refreshes and detects it later than usual. The default reaction time is 1000ms, using the F2, F3, F4 keys you can lower it so it detects objects faster
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