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Everything posted by Czar

  1. I had to turn off world switcher, one guy had so many problems (due to his incorrect usage!) and I didn't want to cause a panic Anyhow, I will most likely re-introduce it with an anti-fail system, after all, it's just a number, it's VERY hard to mess up As for cpu usage, I have worse pc specs and I haven't had a single fps drop ever, only when I run the script for 48+ hours non stop it starts being a tinnnny bit laggy, but other than that i'm not sure what to say, perhaps just allow osbot to use more ram (i set it to -1255) and the bot runs so smooth EDIT: New update: - Script cycle is now faster from ~200 millseconds (1/3 of a tick) to ~40 milliseconds - Re-introduced the world hopper, added a paint display for how many players in your side - Rock crab attack movement sped up update will be live within a few hours, good luck all !
  2. Strange, coincidentally I'm doing sapphire rings too, and so far so good, no problems whatsoever, in fact I increased my bank by 10m this is just 1 proggy, i did 30-60 mage just from rings, only 20k xp/hr too @addkiller for the czarbot deal, you must own 2+ of any czar/perfect script , and screenshot proof (since scripters cant see any sales information), then choose a free premium script
  3. I have posted an update for the fishing bait/feathers already, it is pending update by admins Other than that, I just tested fishing guild, and catherby, no problems whatsoever, restart the client and delete osbot cache, that usually does it I added a few other changes though, the script cycle time has increased from 10 milliseconds to 100 milliseconds No more detection issues
  4. Yes I can switch my range guild script for this one, although I'm confused - the ranger is the most popular script on osbot Anyway, good luck. I can't remove scripts but you have this script now @tomi clear the osbot folder if any script ever just pauses, it seems to be a client issue, it solved it for me when I cleared the osbot data folder.
  5. Here is preview of fix Going to bank 1k iron ores then maybe go for coal :P
  6. Hmm strange, restart the client or hook mirror mode properly if using mirror mode (log out from rs before attaching client) Amazing progress report, keep it up Guys, BOT as much as you can, it's new years so less bans (no jmods etc)
  7. A fix has been posted for varrock bank and edge-related mining areas, good luck all The new update was for list mode, let me know if there are any suggestions/bugs/ideas please allow an hour or so, for the update to be registered
  8. Any error message? Anyhow, I posted an update, the script should be better now, good luck EDIT: The update was for the attack option, and it will be live within a few hours at best
  9. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yep I am currently adding an extra layer of anti-lure to all the exits, so far it only tries to avoid the knight if its there, but I am adding support so if the bot's tile is near that area then it will run to bank or something As for the pickpocket once, and stop script, I am going to the script right now (again). Nothing was changed in the pickpocketing system, it was left how it was since the last best working version, but I will see if I find any problems. Oh crap, if you are pickpocketing, make sure to hide the npc attack option so that Pickpocket is the first option on the list when right clicking an npc EDIT: It works like a charm, so far so good and only 5 mins in, need to get more food though :P It even right clicks if there's a tree in the way (in this case an Oak tree), and spams when there is nothing in the way of the npc ;)
  10. Hmm allow some time for the bot to load equipment, although you just reminded me, I will add an update regarding startup system ASAP. thanks
  11. Go to your scripts list and hit CTRL + refresh, scripts can't disappear whatsoever If it really is gone, confirm it and I will activate it manually from my control panel EDIT: I have activated the script on the control panel just in case, good luck ;) Note to potential customers: scripts DO NOT disappear whatsoever, this is most likely human error. In the event this ever happens just let me know ASAP.
  12. Close the custom czarbot developer console, it uses up slightly more ram depending on your pc's specs, in the next version I will add a checkbox option to hide/show the czarbot console by default
  13. Granite has been fixed, as for gems, I have just posted an update, thanks for feedback As for trial, are you sure it was 12 hours? My trial system only gives 24 hour trials :P Anyhow, I have activated a trial for 48 hours, since there is an update pending (for the gem rocks) so once that update is registered you will still have 24+ hours to make some mining gainzz good luck all
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    @Vial I need to know the bot settings, startup settings etc, which thieving style/spot//npc I can't read minds Anyhow, I've just started another account in deadman mode, going so well with nature runes. Going to switch over to ardy knights when at ~2k nats I've tested both methods (since they are the most popular) on my other thievers and found no problems. This is my going to be my 4th account with 90+ thieving hopefully
  15. I have activated the bot for free, just forgot to post, good luck Thank you for purchasing my older bots (flesh crawlers/minotaurs)
  16. Script has now been updated to 0.51, good luck all All issues in the above posts have been fixed New update: 0.52 - Added a bug fix for a rare banking bug good luck all ;)
  17. Version 0.58 - Script has been restored to the last best working version, (version 0.58). It was the best version so I rolled it back to 0.58 and now it's back to normal Apologies all, trust me this update is 1000x better Stunalch is perfectly flawless now :D here is a nice screenshot of it working: ^ That is the optimal setup if you want the shortest mouse distance for stunning too
  18. Make sure not to disable AFK mode, otherwise it may AFK and log out randomly, I have auto enabled it so there is higher anti-ban @Turbotree http://osbot.org/forum/topic/88989- make sure not to run OSBot from the command line, according to that thread @Failure I will re-introduce the feature to check for fishing items, I just didn't enable it due to users using bare-handed fishing thanks for feedback all A nice improvement update coming up
  19. Ah man I'm sad to hear about ban, although I doubt it was the only reason for the ban, did you use any free scripts before that or bot for more than usual? Needless to say, I will add an update for MLM so it avoids other people's rocks for sure,
  20. No you don't need VIP to use it, you only need VIP if you wanna run more than 2 bots at the same time, that's the only restriction osbot has, good luck ;D @trials done @free scripts + reviews, done, thank you !
  21. Czar


    @vhdt close the czarbot console window, it will boost fps, I only added it so the users can see what is going on in the bot (in the engine) @trial done, good luck ;)
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