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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Don't worry about speed, too fast/too slow , the spells are queued by RS so no spell is ever missed ^^ As for trials, done gl ;)
  2. I will try ask devs for an increase in the trial limit from 10 to 20 perhaps, as for trials, extended all trials , gl ^^ Also guys I made it so when the script stops, the console will display the fight code that was used for the bot, e.g. bank_item_id_0 983 npc_list_size 1 loot_item_id_0 225 walk_fight_1 walk level_task_mode 0 bank_mode 1 walk_bank_1 Grand_exchange walk_bank_0 Ring_of_wealth npc_name_0 Hill_giant loot_list_size 1 npc_cb_0 0 pref_bank nearest bank_condition Loot_full loot_item_alch_0 0 bank_list_size 1 bank_item_block_0 1 eat_for_space 0 ranging_mode 0 bank_item_amount_0 1 that is a savegame for hill giants including ring of wealth teleport. I coded it so if any user has a bug, they can just copy and paste the error log for the savegame and I can test it and fix bugs ASAP Atm still waiting on v0.09 update of the script, but in the meantime I will add some fixes to banking I guess
  3. It's working 100%, make sure to start the script inside motherlode mine, and start script while logged in There, works, I even manually clicked the screen to walk away, and the bot got back to work ^^
  4. Hmm, I made it avoid the falador gate unless the account is a p2p account, but I will add a bugfix for the falador route asap. Is the account p2p? (or in a p2p world?)
  5. done good luck ^^ @1k03d I can sure add zeah features but it would be added in the AIO mining script not this motherlode mine script ^^
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Start the script while logged in, otherwise nothing will happen ^^
  7. done gl 24 hour trial ;)
  8. I already made a sand crabs script, just waiting on admins to release the script ^^ exp rates are insane
  9. The trial is active until 2016-06-02 03:45:19 UTC according to control panel, gl ^^ the experiments script will be on the osbot scripts list (in the actual client)
  10. Hmm the absolute minimum health to eat at is 5 hp, but I made the bot eat randomly from 40-60%. If using mirror client, try a client restart maybe, if not, I will try another test run for food support As for looting option - yes I will definitely add an option to loot items above a certain gp value ^^ Coming up in the next update I will post new update within 1 hour or so, just making sure the update is perfect. Still waiting on update for v0.09 though (bone burying, deathwalk and a few other bugfixes)
  11. There's no point in iron bars, the only profitable ones are the bars which require coal ^^ but I can add iron if anybody wants
  12. You can set it to tele with glory if you want, the option is in the setup window. As for food, just grab the ideal inventory layout (e.g. 20 lobsters, maybe 1-2 str potions (4)) and start up the script, then hit the 'Load Inventory' button, so it will save that inventory profile and then every time the bot banks, it will withdraw that inventory. Just make sure not to add like multiple teleport tabs, use just 1 teleport tab if using teles, and try to not add useless items to the loaded inventory, because the bot will try to withdraw everything that is included in the inventory profile. As for trials, gl all ;) The new update should now be live, including the update for the other stronghold scripts, gl ^^
  13. edit: update v0.09 posted, more updates coming
  14. Hold up lemme remove some fighter trials (there is a trial limit of 10) and if the limit is reached, the extra trials are not valid, refresh scripts also please note the script is beta , i can't release the script without making sure everything is 100% perfect so it's beta atm good luck ^^ ;)
  15. Experiments should be fixed in v0.08, just posted a quick update ^^ EDIT: - Saving system should work in v0.08 too - Walking system changed to the stable walking system (version: 2) As for bone burying I will code the system right now, should I make the bot bury the bones when inventory full or after random amount of bones? or when inventory full AND when you need to free up inventory space
  16. Czar


    Of course it's possible to get 99 ranged but you can't bot for too many hours nowadays since they hired more bot busters i think, the best strategy has already been mentioned from users, but just make sure to avoid suicide botting ^^ Few tips for antiban: - Accomplished accounts do MUCH better than new accounts (quested, random levels in skills) - Bot on non UK work hours - reply to in-game chat to avoid appearing as a bot, hop worlds if missed chat
  17. Almost finished with deathwalk and equipment interface, then I will make some fixes for the Time condition. After those updates I will begin adding more NPCs and more bugfixes/suggestions ^^ Activated both users, gl ^^
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    done gl 24 hour trial ;)
  19. A fail-safe for temperature gauge interface will be included in the next version ASAP ^^
  20. Cmon man, alching = noted/stackable items ..
  21. Hmm I will add the walking system option (to choose 4 different walking options) so users can choose the best setting, should be in version 0.23 of the bot EDIT: Hold up, that's AIO stronghold or an individual stronghold script?
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