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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Make sure to start the script with arrows/bow equipped otherwise the bot doesn't know that ranged mode is activated Once range mode is activated, the bot will drink potions and loot arrows etc etc ^^ Works very good, just make sure to configure ranged mode properly first, good luck ;)
  2. done good luck on 24h trials ;)
  3. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Posted a quick mirror mode update for al-kharid and draynor course, should work much better in mirror mode. Update version v1.14 is now the latest version, good luck all ^^ Paint should be improved too. Update will be live within few hours max, just waiting for admins to register update edit: Al-kharid and draynor work MUCH better in this new update (mirror mode), can't wait until update is live ^^
  4. Oh bolt fletching, sure I can add bolt fletching to the script ^^ update coming up
  5. refresh scripts , activated 24h trial ;)
  6. I can add gem crafting but the crafting scripters will complain The code is really simple too, takes like 5 minutes
  7. The script leeches, makes insane profits especially when running many bots
  8. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Make sure the mouse zoom is set to far away so more obstacles are in the bot's view: As for trial, good luck ;)
  9. Those are all mirror mode client errors, please post in the mirror client bug section Shouldn't really affect the script so don't worry about it ^^
  10. done good luck 24h trial ;)
  11. Added another update (version 0.27), should be live within a few hours or so, just waiting for admins to register update - GE mode is now more stable - Added more accurate fletch item calculations good luck all, can't wait until update is live ^^
  12. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    OSBot should be back up, activated another 24h trial, gl ^^ ;)
  13. script will be 9.99$, or 8.99$ depends on admin
  14. Hmm I made it detect ore changes every half a tick (300ms) should I lower it to 150ms perhaps? As for moving mouse/more central mouse clicks, I will try and improve the mouse handler, since OSBot's default mouse is not programmed to click on center, so I gotta try make a custom method. As for moving mouse outside screen, I can definitely add that in the next update ^^ thanks for feedback and gl everybody
  15. Don't worry man I'll give probs unlimited auth to air orbs if I can, the script should be released soon, I already made a logo, thread and the code is uploaded ^^ Just waiting for admins to release the script
  16. The script thread doesn't even say that it supports air orbs, I just said maybe I'll add it, but since there's separate air orbs script I'll have to make a competing script (there's 3 air orb scripts in the market)
  17. Hmm I will post a quick update for fighting areas with a lot of npcs, update coming up ^^
  18. I am forced to release an air orbs as a separate script since there are 3 orb scripts now and they will complain (due to market rules) As for trial, good luck, yes curse + high alch is supported of course ^^
  19. It works for everybody else and works for me too, make sure you are setting up the bot correctly, there must be food in the inventory loadout, otherwise just enable deathwalk mode ^^
  20. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I still need to add menaphites and then I will try and make the blackjack sequence more efficient, it is still a beta feature apologies everybody
  21. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    For dorgeshuun I will most likely be buying an account in the market section with high agility and just finishing the quest so I can add the agility course, it should be very easy since I coded the agility system in a way which makes adding new courses really easy ^^ thanks for all feedback everybody and gl on trials ^^ ;)
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