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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Oops, okay will re-test for an hour at least, looks like the problem was breaks system. I have added an update for it however I recommend setting a break tile. Client breaks + combat scripts are not a good combo And yep, incorrect script settings can lead to poor script performance, I highly recommend checking out all script options before running the script, it can do wonders ^^ thanks for the great response EDIT: It worked fine Killed 146 chickens in 15 minutes and did a 5-minute break in lumby bank then stopped script. Hmm can you try the script in stealth injection?
  2. Can you try again with the new osbot client update? Webwalker has been improved. Let me know if it still persists, I will test right now and add an update if necessary. Which fight position did you select?
  3. You gotta set food otherwise the script will stay at the bank. Make sure you have food in inventory and it will work perfectly
  4. What seems to be the problem? I will fix ASAP.
  5. Script is back to normal, let me know if you want any other changes to the script, will add an update ASAP. Activated trials gl guys
  6. Hmm 30 minute ban is impossible. You got a delayed ban from using previous scripts, e.g. use a free script for 45 hours, log out. Try a different script (in this case mining script) and boom banned from the previous free script for 45 hours of botting! As for wildy plugin, let me know how I can improve it, I am going to add improvements to that in the next update Activated trials gl guys
  7. Activated all trials gl guys Added proggy to main thread good job awesome work. Noted all the user suggestions, will be adding an update soon
  8. Use stealth injection and update clients ^^ Activated all trials gl guys Thanks for positive feedback guys, really really appreciate it
  9. Hmm if you have any problem with the script please use the bug report template. One user says it's fine, another says there is a bug. Please fill out a bug report template. I will test the script at chickens for at least 5 minutes like you said, and will confirm if it bugs out. As for super att potions, did you select a custom level range to pot at? Or are you just using the script without any extra options for potions. What is your attack level? If it is a low level then it may occur. Please remember you can set your own level to pot at in the misc 2 tab. As for clicking on an npc and then back to the square, please add an error log, I will test asap. You gotta let me know which settings you used, if you used fight bounds or if you started the script at the npc location or away from the npc location. All these things affect the script. For a the ideal setup: Start the script near your chosen npc, add the npcs by the toggle, (NOT by name) and let the script do the rest. It works flawlessly like this. Works fine for me after the 5 minute mark: including potions, it killed 110 npcs flawlessly I already added an update for npcs and walking away, please enable the 'attack delay' option in the misc 2 tab. It will wait until the script reaches the npc, then stay in combat. Otherwise it will look for other npcs. I appreciate those with the positive feedback and the bug reports, but those users who complain without stating their errors are not helpful whatsoever. I will be testing the script again and making sure there are no errors. EDIT: Wyverns will be a separate plugin, I got an account with high slayer so I can work on wyvern plugin very soon EDIT 2: Also guys, v150 of osbot came out, some web links have been added and some modified. Please update your clients New Update (v209) - Technical changes to script behavior when attacking - Breaks system changes, please configure properly before using Please post bug report templates! I am ready to add more updates today.
  10. For potions: I can add an update to not drink potions, and to drink potions at random skill levels, good idea As for the client stop/start script, I don't know Restart client it should be a fix. I hope it doesn't re-appear. As for spec'ing with a secondary weapon, it should work just keep the secondary weapon in inventory and enable specs. I will add an update to manually set which weapons to spec with. As for sticking to a crab spot with multiple crabs, use afk mode and set your own afk position, the script will do the rest. You can enable AFK tile and technically not afk too, the name of the feature is confusing however, the feature is ambiguous.
  11. Will make some more tweaks to the script for the next patch today ^^ GDK, steel dragons and experiment testing. For rock crabs, go to the plugins menu at the top of the setup window and select rock crabs, it's a separate plugin to the script and it has a different setup window
  12. Will test abyss chaos runes again, it should be working, stay tuned As for not clicking on altar . Chaos runes working flawlessly: Enabled agility, mining and thieving for the abyss obstacles. It clicked the obstacle fine, went in the chaos portal and crafted runes flawlessly.
  13. Mining guild expansion beta added, please note it is experimental. Let me know if there are any bugs. Latest version: v106. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours from now. Amethyst mining not supported just yet, it is projected to be in the next version this week for the future version v107
  14. GE mode is under construction, it shouldn't take too long to get it back to normal again. I still haven't removed it out of experimenta/beta phase. Next update will be GE update As for clicking objects that are visible, make sure to set mouse zoom to far away (maximum) and it will fix it As for goldsmith gauntlets and ice gloves, they are not supported at the same time, only one of them are supported at once. Update for them will be added as soon as I am done coding it. Including stamina potion support ^^
  15. activated all trials gl All these features are currently in fighter, until I get more suggestions on new features to add. This script will get more features as time goes on
  16. @boozer did you make sure cannon was in inventory before choosing the cannon tile? After cannon was initially setup, did you make sure your player was standing near the cannon at all times? Please let me know if there are any errors in the console log. I am curious to see if cannon mode was setup properly or not. If it was, and if the cannon is being reloaded at least two times, tell me. I will be testing it ASAP. As for breaks, I coded it so it returns to a safe area/bank before the breaks kick in. Should I make it an option? Should I also make it an option as to when to actually go the safe spot? I was thinking of adding a condition of what to do when breaks are about to enter. Perhaps add a list of options such as go to bank, or go to a new area, or log out, stop script, reload on supplies. Need some ideas and feedback please!
  17. Not yet, coalbag is in the To-Do list. Which feature do you need it for so I can prioritize it and add it to the next version?
  18. Use tiaras over talismans, there is no need for talismans. As for abyss, which runes are you trying to craft? I've tested all the common runes and it works flawlessly, let me know asap As for mirror mode, make sure to launch client while logged out, hook mirror client before logging in, start script then it should work as intended ^^ activated trials gl guys
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