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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Blue dragon agility shortcut (taverley) may work with osbot's webwalker I need a confirmation on this one. I will be testing it right after I am done with the new update. Guys, a quick status update on the new version: just finished re-writing special attacks system completely. All of you will be impressed with the new version ^^ Works amazingly well.
  2. Yep the script will repair pouches Activated a trial gl ZMI pouch repair is still under construction Am working on it dw guys
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    OSBot webwalker is good for outside (mainland) rs, it should be more stable
  4. Hmm did you bot on that ip on another account? It can contribute to the ban really really easily. Make sure to play it safe. Never bot on multiple accounts same ip, otherwise they both get banned regardless of the script
  5. Yeah I have a sweet idea for that but after I add an option for prioritizing trees I need to add an info tooltip to let the bot run for a few minutes to identify which trees get cut more often, and which ones have more players around them etc. It's a really really good idea
  6. Glad to hear walker 1 works now. Let me know if you guys want any other changes to the script
  7. We can't control misclicks but they are super important for anti-ban. If you want to be safe, go to settings tab on runescape, mouse -> hide npc attack option and it will never attack. We scripters cant control misclicks so the bot may occasionally click on an npc but it's super rare. It's really really good for anti-ban
  8. Not yet those are not included in the script, only smelting is supported
  9. Czar

    OSBot 2.4.157

    gj on update, especially after an annoying list of blips (been there)
  10. done gl guys There is no way to buy the pest control script until the 1 month timer is gone. The script was temporarily removed because of a delayed update on my behalf. If you really want to I can contact mald to get it back online maybe it will work, depends if you enjoyed the script or not ^^
  11. Waterbirth not supported yet Sorry guys
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    What is your bugs, do you have any error logs? Tell me which setup options you are using I will make an update ASAP. Let me test what you are claiming is broken and I will get it fixed today.
  13. Which options? Start in edgeville bank, carry empty pouches if using, make sure none of them are degraded, and if using abyss make sure you have glory amulets. It should work 100% just make sure you configure the setup properly. Screenshot me your launch settings for the script
  14. Thanks for the feedback, I have noted these points down: -> Loot while in combat -> Add an option for 'Only loot items within X tile radius' -> Try to add banking for gargoyles in slayer tower Will be adding these in the new update then posting it live, will also post the full changelog of the new update. thank you for being patient guys, I don't want to get the update wrong, I need to make sure it's perfect.
  15. Czar


    Turn off client randoms, I made the script handle them on it's own ^^
  16. Script is working + launching fine, let me know if you got any error logs I will help you get the script started. There is an osrs system update soon anyway hopefully it doesn't break all scripts
  17. Will be working on redwoods ASAP. If I can get an account with requirements I can finish it within an hour or so. Otherwise I will be trying to debug with coordinates and will be posting an update very soon. ^^
  18. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Hmm I coded it so the script does similar camera movement but not exactly the same movement, so there is always a unique angle radius for camera movement, even if it looks the same to the human eye (to us botters), in jagex's anti-bot system it will show up as unique numbers and not repetitive numbers. Same applies for mouse movements and mouse clicks. I can easily add an option for completely different camera movement but some users may complain about xp rates. I always say it's very worth it to sacrifice xp over anti-ban, but I want to satisfy all users ^^ EDIT: Got an update ready for pushing, I will run some more tests before I push. I am awaiting for the script to go back on store soon ^^
  19. Well expanded mining guild is p2p only, I am working on some improvements for it in the meantime ^^
  20. Astrals are supported, activated a trial gl
  21. Which spell? Make sure you have a good botting strategy. Magic is one of the lowest ban-rate scripts (especially spells which are near the bank). If you used non-bank spells such as damage/stun spells, make sure to cast them in low populated areas otherwise you are prone to reports
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