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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Set mouse zoom to far away it will work much much better ^^ Activated trials gl guys Next update coming soon
  2. activated trials gl guys guys i cant give trials to users who have less than 1 week join date. There is a new rule for that the devs will be mad at me and give me warning points, yeah I know it's annoying. I don't care about join date as long as the user tries the script and potentially buys it if they like it.
  3. Still need an account for tanning hide Will be posting a hit or miss update for tan hide spell very shortly. It can either work flawless or still need improvement
  4. That is a good idea, giving the master account a binding necklace. I will be running some tests and re-writing some code to support this in the next few updates. As for unnoting essence for nature rune worker running, I will be checking it out and posting an update ASAP. Will add a failsafe for clan wars ASAP.
  5. Post the inventory setup I will help. As for clue scrolls, which clue scroll are you trying to loot, elite ones? Let me know I will double-check the clue scroll code As for stop conditions, I will add an option to do X action after stop condition is met, e.g. go to bank, go to safespot, then logout.
  6. Guys I just pushed v213.1, it has a few fixes to immediate problems such as safespot, range spec, nechys (hopefully!) and a few other changes. New Update (v214) - Specs are now optional in all plugins - Special attack event patched, script will now spec properly (ranged fix) - 'Avoid other npcs' option patched, script will now work better at nechys and gargoyles (need confirmation!) - Fixed potion code - Fixed a few npc target codes - Alching is now at a perfect speed (not too slow nor too fast), and alching is now handled as a separate event (no more stacking actions), the script will alch without being interrupted. - Changes to cannoning - A few walking hotfixes for some map nodes (hotfixed) should be available asap without the need for the version to change Next updates will include: - multiple banking conditions, go to alch in safespot, more safespot improvements and customization, fight zone saving, more stop conditions, more alert conditions, more npc selection modes and any other ideas which I will hopefully get soon! PS. the entire looting and safespotting code is being re-written from scratch. Looting will be handled as a separate event, and looting will have more sub-tabs for extra customization. After I add improvements to cannoning, safespotting, plugins, looting, I will start adding more unique features to the script such as below: I will also be introducing the new multi-action system which I will be giving more details about later. It includes performing multiple actions at once, e.g. while walking you can pot, while doing X action you can do X action. So multiple things happening at once (unique actions ofc). This is all later until I perfect some more of the script. It is low priority. Stay tuned guys. I am silently working on this script, re-writing things from scratch as the script gets expanded more and more. You will all be noticing major improvements to the stability of the script. Please please please send me pm's or post on my osbot profile for more personalized updates/suggestions, if you have an idea for the script that is missing, or something that has been in the script since day 1 and still hasn't been flawless let me know so I can focus on the smaller features!
  7. Start script wearing non-guthan equipment then the script will know which gear to switch to Glad to hear the script is back to normal.
  8. Read the guide on preventing botting bans: As for waterbirth support, not just yet Still working on it
  9. GE is under construction it shouldn't take too long to make it flawless and get it out of beta mode again. Stay tuned ^^ As for entering 1/5/10 etc, should be easy enough, are you sure it's faster Ahh gratz on 99 fletching unlucky with hunting ban hunter is good for moneymaking on throwaway accs
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Which walker did you use, try the first one. It shouldn't use the osbot's webwalker for ham, only my webwalker. I will be adding a few patches since there are a few tweaks to be made. Update coming up today Added proggys to main thread, gj
  11. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Script should be back on store very soon!
  12. Czar


    Works again, after updates
  13. Goldsmith and ice gloves aren't supported at the same time (yet). I am working on re-writing the script to support them both and to support stamina potions. I am almost done, expect an update soon
  14. Yes law balloons are supported, activated trials to all users gl guys arceeus spellbook is a good idea, may add this if I can get a high req or account or I can just blindly add it and hope it works (there shouldn't be much testing involved) and keep adding updates modifying until it's flawless, if users really want it asap. Which spell? Will add a few patches and tweaks for glory, for walking and for banking. Update coming up ^^
  15. Guys if you have not joined osbot for at least a week, please don't request a trial. I accidentally gave a trial to a user who hasn't joined for a week and it got me in trouble -__-. Activated trials gl guys
  16. It does smith mith bolts but you gotta use fletching to attach bolts? Or what did you mean
  17. Pushed v48 stronghold update, should go automatically live within 24 hours. Some users couldn't launch the script whatsoever, it has been successfully fixed now. Just waiting on devs to append the update to sdn
  18. For rotating camera, click the arrow key in the direction that the camera is moving with keyboard input enabled, it should do the trick Guys, have been reading all feedback, suggestions and bugs. Have been working on the new update and it is almost ready to push. Will edit this post soon with new changelog for upcoming update. Also, some of you mentioned some points which are solveable through script options, please guys go over the script features in the setup window more carefully, a lot of the problems you guys are having can be solved by enabling or disabling some settings. Always remember you can turn off specs, you can change level task conditions, you can disable auto retaliate to different npcs (that you didn't select to fight in the setup window), you can fight in larger areas and not stay in a small fight radius, etc. I am in the process of writing a tutorial, a quick-use guide and a full manual on the script on the upcoming fighter website which is soon to launch in the coming days. There will be highscores, prizes and of course Q&A, suggestions etc. Got many things planned. Next major update for the script will occur either today or very early tomorrow, stay tuned As for the rest of feedback, it was all noted and added to to-do list. Rest assured all feedback will be answered in the form of fixes/updates.
  19. Script fully working after osrs update and after osbot client update (v2.5). Got some nice new updates underway
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