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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Bank settings? Using food or not, screenshot the client. I will post another update for banking and coin pouches, I suppose they are not bankable I will make the script open them all before going bank. Another update coming up, apologies guys!
  2. Cannoning going super well so far. Update v224 is coming along nicely Will update you guys after further testing. This is my first run and so far so good, I will be making further tweaks then posting the version to SDN asap. Also guys, can anybody with mac/linux confirm if loading/saving works in the current fighter version? If not, can you pm me any relevant console logs? It will help greatly
  3. I am so sorry for the delay on cannoning and ogres. I have lost one of my accounts due to another script testing too much from the last ban wave. For ogres, make sure to enable the unreachable npc option, safespot option, ranging option, don't use fight zones they are not suitable for caged npcs. Also, try experimenting with the 'Fight npcs before reaching fight zone' option. Thanks guys for the feedback I really appreciate it I apologise for this update's delay, my coding environment had a slight setback due to losing an account now I will be using another account and buying all the necessary equipment to test everything and quickly patch the updates as soon as possible.
  4. Settings used? Screenshot please. I will run some more test and provide an update as soon as possible.
  5. Any other scripts used? Make sure not to use too many free scripts alongside premium ones it will introduce more risk :S
  6. Running low performance mode on client? It will lag the client, turn it off if possible. Using mirror client? Make sure to use official osrs client and not other custom clients. As for memory usage, how much memory did you allocate? I will help Activated all trials gl guys I have almost managed to get rune pouch on my new account, best believe some nice updates are under way.
  7. Done gl guys Thanks alek
  8. Select damage spells and then enter the npc name
  9. New Update (v75) - Anti-venoms are patched - Staminas are patched - Improved logic for making potions, using items on eachother - No more useless delays when using items - Spacebar is now used instead of mouse clicks for better performance Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, happy botting!
  10. New Update (v115) - Added update for stopping script while logged out - Added various GUI changes - Added teleport to home instead of home teleport fix Just added a few tweaks. Feature additions coming soon Rune pouch and more spell combinations are the next target Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, happy botting!
  11. Drop other fish will drop the fish that you don't want to keep e.g. if you catch tuna while fishing swordfish it will drop tuna etc. Infernal eels will be coming up, including minnows. Needed a test account for minnows so I can add it quickly Activated trials gl guys For avoiding bans check out this thread:
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    New Update (v174) - Added support for new pickpocketing updates. - Coin pouches now handled perfectly Update will automatically go live within 24 hours gl guys Thanks for being patient, I really appreciate it
  13. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    It was just a ban wave it happens every few months don’t worry about bans ^^
  14. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Delete jagexcache and everything to do with osrs to avoid linking accounts
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Coin pouch update coming up, stay tuned until I post again on this thread thanks guys ^^
  16. For pray flicking, it should work - are there any errors in the console log? Post your setup window and I will use the same settings and debug Script seems to be walking to fight area even after osrs update. Post your setup and I will help Fight alongside cannon will be getting another update ASAP. GDK will also get another update ASAP. More coming soon Today I will be pushing an update please let me know how it goes. I will be awaiting your setups and depending on how soon I receive it I may pack the bugfixes or tweaks in the same update or post another update immediately thereafter
  17. All about preference tbh some people feel safer in POH some feel safer blending in a crowd in GE As for spin flax/plank make - interesting I will be considering it
  18. Script supports POH alching and returns to POH if you end up outside the POH Try not to drag the client between multiple monitors it can mess up the paint. As for progress bar I can add one easily so far I only made it have exp left, time left, goal time left etc. The paint has too many items. Activated all trials gl guys
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