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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Discord server coming up, should be really useful for all scripts, thanks for the suggestion Blackjacking is still experimental I can't wait to get started on perfecting it, just making some normal pickpocketing changes and I will get to it again.
  2. New Update (v66) - Many improvements added to the preparation handler - Many improvements added to the initial questing stage, the smithing part, and the traveling - Fixed buying and selling items, they are flawless now - Replaced all widgets with dynamic ones so that the script can last a very long time and can be as stable as ever Update will automatically go live within 24 hours gl guys
  3. Got an update coming up stay tuned guys EDIT: I can't find anything wrong with mining part, it's not getting stuck it keeps mining forever (tried on mirror client) used SHIFT + F4 to reduce the mirror reaction timer to 50ms and it's working like a charm. I will keep testing just in case I will be adding a few changes and tweaks for the performance of the script if I don't find any bugs If possible, screenshot or explain your entire setup settings (which options you selected) list mining or select screen mining, which exact location, console logs for any errors, etc. This will help with updates, otherwise I can't find any bugs/it will take much longer and then the update takes longer too because of that. I will work on the deposit box and banking aspect momentarily.
  4. New Update (v65) - Large Grand Exchange re-write, restocking is now more stable, it is still experimental though! - Some areas of the script are now faster, so more profit and more bars per hour! (Supposed to be in last version) Please make sure to never start the script in-between buying items. So always make sure the script buys every item from the beginning. So if you have bought half supplies, sell them and start the script. The grand exchange code works in a sequence so it makes decisions based on what happens before, and if the script is stopped - it will not have any record of what happened before. Thanks guys! Update will automatically go live within 24 hours good luck
  5. Hmm a way to avoid the unable to create advertising would be to open all the clients within a short period of time which is difficult, but it can be done using batch for example
  6. Activated trials gl guys :D Pest control script I will be speaking to the admin about this, perhaps we can start off by re-opening the thread. I have been listening to user's requests and pm's for what should I add to the script in terms of updates and new features so it's going pretty well :)
  7. Make sure you're using latest mirror client (if using mirror) the script is running fine for most users, unless there has been an OSRS update in that case all users and scripters gotta wait Thanks for the positive feedback and responses guys, more updates coming shortly
  8. Make sure earth runes are all in your inventory, setup the inventory manually and start the script it will do the rest Or just make sure you have all your earths. As for trading workers/masters I will add another update for it for v90. Update v90 coming up for both responses given above, thanks for the feedback guys really appreciate it ^^
  9. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done gl activated trials
  10. Done gl activated trials
  11. Czar


    For the view mode make sure the mouse zoom is on default so the X on the score interface is aligned perfectly with the range target, it will work wonders
  12. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Thanks for the feedback should be an easy fix for mirror, will get on it ASAP Activated trials gl guys post some progress reports for gallery please
  13. The fighter has a version of the stronghold as a bonus plugin
  14. There has been a client update for login response codes, it should work in the new version when it gets out of beta. Can you try with the current version again?
  15. Prayer flick is not supported in warriors script. Maybe you are mistaking it for the AIO fighter? In any case it should work on the fighter.
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Posted update v176. Update should automatically go live within 24 hours, gl guys Ham outside entrance is not supported just yet, it will be added in the near future, most likely in the next version
  17. Hmm which bow/arrows are you using? Activated trials gl guys New update should go live any moment now Also guys I forgot to mention I added an update for jewelry (especially slayer ring), works much better in the new update. Will need more testers to be 100% sure
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