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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Ah man that is super unlucky especially with this script, what’s your botting setup like? Botted multiple accounts at once, hows your breaks? Botting history, perhaps a delayed ban from using other scripts? In any case, 2 day bans are always better than perm ones that most users usually get when botting too much stay tuned for the next update, will be rolling one out today ^^
  2. Will put a request for osbot webwalker to support pick locking, in the meantime I will add it to my custom walking system. posted a small update for stronghold, latest update is now 241.1, will be posting update 241.2 with pick lock update today. thanks guys for all the support and feedback keep the suggestions coming.
  3. Prices I will add a input box to set custom prices to determine profits. run energy: will make it only run when actually walking or when about to walk. blast furnace: I wish I could add it to this script but I already released a full blast furnace years before this script and it is not possible anymore. move mouse outside: will convert system from combat scripts and make this script support that option. purchasing this script is unlimited, there are no monthly payments. Just remember osbot vip allows you to run multiple botting tabs at once activated trials good luck guys!
  4. Will check out the few aforementioned mining locations and repair them for next update. Thanks guys. activated trials good luck
  5. Edit: will be pushing move mouse outside option later today, gotta make sure its perfect.
  6. New Update (v97) - Agility shortcut improvements - Mining animation: added longer delay for mining, adjacent ore calculation fixed, no longer spam clicks ore veins - Move mouse outside after clicking 'mine' added Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys More updates on the way
  7. Pushed update, should go live within a few hours max. Just finished testing, all working well PS: For stronghold users, if you want to bank, don't enable deathwalk. For users fighting in wilderness who have 'emergency teleport' option enabled, if you don't have a banking teleport, turn off banking completely, otherwise the script will just use your user-defined bank travel method.
  8. Yep, just doing a few more test runs and I will push the update for delays and some tweaks for banking. As for gems, I will offer a few more options/customization for them, including an option for deposit box, should be more convenient to all users. Activated trials good luck guys, will activate double trial time since a new update is on the way. :D As for moving mouse out of screen, not yet but I can convert some code from my fighter scripts and add it to the motherlode script.
  9. You mean the picklock door at chaos druids north of ardougne? As for trials, activated good luck. New update is going live today within a couple hours
  10. Make sure to have at least 10k coins to go on the boat ride via sandi crahb npc, should work ^^ Activated all trials good luck guys
  11. Please remove scripting related feedback, user got upset they were banned for botting and left negative feedback. Thanks!
  12. Script has been retired from the store, this thread is now only used for support and maintenance. I will activate a trial for the perfect fighter script which supports al-kharid warriors, good luck
  13. Will repair kourend tele I dont think it is even supported just yet, update coming up. will also be adding an improved version of superglass make too. as for stun alch speed and mirror: there is a speed boost available, you gotta lower the clients reaction timer from the default 1000ms to around 50-200ms its up to you really. You can alter this to a higher number it may even affect ban rates I know it is beneficial for non-competitive combat scripts.
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I will add a slider for speed so you can determine the best speed for you, the server ping must be factored in too so I can't depend on a single fixed speed. Update coming up.
  15. Czar


    Hmm did you enable dismiss randoms (in osbot client -> settings)? Please confirm!
  16. Czar


    Keep inventory open at all times and make sure to hook clients while logged out, should work 100% after that. ^^ And yes, just don't forget that botting on multiple accounts is literally a guarantee of ban on all accounts.. Try it if you don't believe me.
  17. New Update (v241) - Trident support added, in magic pop-up - Updates for potion sipping, should work better - Added more areas in corsair cove - Added tweaks for npc detection (initial setup) - Teleport runes working again - Npc bound fixes for cannoning - Cannons can no longer be added to bank layout anymore, should fix a few bugs - Added improvements to 'can_we_fight' checker (cannon mode), so it should know whether to fight or bank - Added a few improvements to eating, and stronghold - will need some more testing to confirm. - Food handler no longer gets stuck and causes dying anymore, death bug fixed. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, just doing some more testing and I will be pushing the update to SDN. After it's pushed it will go online Thanks guys! Looking forward to the next update
  18. Reason for death? Is the script failing to eat food, or does the script have no food left and failing to go bank? Either way I highly recommend using the Stronghold plugin for stronghold monsters, it is specifically designated for stronghold (including and especially the walking system), in any case please confirm! I will be checking out all my pm's tonight and reply to all. If you guys have discord, please add me for extended support and personalized updates/bugfixes that are difficult to communicate over the forums. For cannoning, it seems the script is trying to go bank because it doesn't know it's at the fight zone and the bank layout (from setup) is not 100% the same (probs from sipping a dose of potion, or losing 5 items that you added, including cannon pieces), will add more improvements, can you confirm if a fight zone fixes the problem? EDIT: It looks like you have added the cannon to your banking layout, I highly recommend against this, I will be adding a few fail-safes and fixes for this. Just loaded your setup and testing as we speak. Okay so, remove cannon and cannonballs from your banking layout and it seems to be working perfectly well, doesn't go bank anymore, it was the cannonballs too. I set more cannonballs than I had, and the script tried going bank to withdraw everything that was missing. @Shango31 For ranging/clicking the same tile as your player: you are running in resized mode, please set the client to fixed mode, and it will work 100% Thanks guys, a few tweaks coming up! ^^ Discord: Czar#6646
  19. Some pretty epic stats especially nowadays, some even higher than my main account. Goodjob, managed to pass at least 95% of modern day botters^^
  20. Exact settings? Please screenshot, 1 small setting can change the entire script. You enabled worker mode, lavas, ring of dueling (imbue), stamina potions? Please confirm exact options and I will help + add an update if necessary. Cosmics: will be making some tweaks to the pathfinding nodes in that area so it should walk smoother, should be an easy fix, apologies, update coming up ^^ If the bot brings an earth talisman, then select magic imbue mode on the worker too, so it knows not to bring an earth talisman. EDIT: Will also try getting cosmic agility shortcut supported on the osbot webwalker by requesting it for the next osbot client update ^^
  21. Okay got it, last question: does the script throw any errors in console log due to not finding any npcs? I will alter the delay that it finds npcs, currently it tries to load them every 5 seconds which is far too slow. Also I am right to assume you hooked mirror client correctly, default osrs launcher and hooked while logged out, then login manually, wait a few minutes, start script? The only way that npcs could not load would be clientside. If there are no script-side errors, then it is definitely client-side. If you could test it with injection mode for a few seconds and confirm the results, that would be super useful. Don't worry there's no harm in using injection client for a few minutes without botting, I do it all the time on my main for years now.
  22. @Arctic what is your mouse zoom level, did you try zooming out all the way (far)? Or is it on default? In your case, is the script clicking on the conveyor belt or walking there, then clicking on conveyor belt? I will make edits asap. Pumping is a really good idea I am working on making it perfect, will be adding another update for this, stay tuned
  23. Hmm will check out alching again, have you tried disabling spell filters (right click magic tab)? thanks for all the feedback and posts guys, really appreciate it. You guys are the best Activated trials too, good luck guys
  24. Pushed update v129, superglass make is included in this update too. Good luck guys Warning: The script will not loot glass on the floor just yet, need to find a stable and non-suspicious way to loot them without triggering any botting flags. My first idea is to loot them after X time and randomize the time, without letting them disappear. Any thoughts/ideas are welcome. Activated all trials (double time) good luck guys, there is a pending update so please be patient Auto-enchant will be added in the next upcoming update v130, apologies for any inconvenience, should be pretty epic once it's live
  25. Will check out teleportation runes + webwalker, glad to hear tele tabs work, recently added a patch for them. Will do the same for runes. As for tridents, I will add an option for this, but in the meantime try enabling range mode, so you will be able to use a safespot, otherwise if you don't wanna use a safespot, just pretend you are fighting with melee and run the script normally without ticking the boxes for range or mage, it is a temporary workaround but it works well. Ranged potions: should be working, either the script doesn't know you are ranging, or you have not overriden potions in the misc tab and you have a low ranged level, or you are using a plugin, please confirm whichever option is correct, I will help more. Maging in corsair cove: can you try enabling webwalking option 2? It may work better, also those coordinates seem far away from the normal corsair cove area, does it work better in the central area? Please confirm. Also, the script isn't programmed to open clan chat or music tab, perhaps the client is not set on fixed mode, and is resized? Please confirm too. As for 'Waiting...' for npcs, does it work after a few seconds (after clicking next/previous until npcs appear?) please confirm, I noticed that sometimes it does waiting... too, but it usually loads after a few seconds. Does it not load at all, forever? Please confirm. EDIT: Non-combat potions: found a quick fix for these, will add a quick patch momentarily, perhaps will help users with ranging potions too, will add asap! Guys, will be personally helping every single user individually too, please add my discord if you have further questions, and if you have any detailed bug reports or script ideas/suggestions you can let me know at my discord below: Czar#6646
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