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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Demonic gorillas not yet - I just finished MM2 to access them so I will be adding a plugin for them in the near future. Thanks for the idea ^^ @Sahin0313 excellent progress, I am very happy to hear this, good luck on all your accounts, amazing 99 str 40 att 1 def EDIT: Forgot to mention; I pushed the new update, it is missing 2 features: cannon looting re-write and amulet re-write. I wanted to get all the other fixes released before I perfect these two, they may take a day or so to re-write and improve. Expect another update shortly. The newest version will now be: v241.3
  2. Holy Almost 99! Please update us when you hit 99 !! Good luck as for trials, activated good luck too!
  3. Done good luck on trials
  4. I really hope to post the new update today or tomorrow, hopefully things go smoothly ^^
  5. Done good luck on trials guys Post some results
  6. Instead of f2p questing script, an actual account builder would be pretty epic, so start the script straight after tutorial, and let the script do a multitude of skills and quests until any desired point. e.g. dragon slayer from scratch just by botting. Aside from that, you have castle wars which is f2p, runecrafting, collecting items (picking potatoes, garlic, etc). And if none of these sound good, you can always re-invent the wheel and make the wheel better + faster, something which nobody is doing; e.g. mining, there is still no 3 tick mining script out there. Good luck!
  7. Czar

    Hey, I'm Peaj

    Welcome to OSBot, nice to see that you're giving back to the community
  8. Make sure to bot carefully guys, don't bot 6 hours non-stop, make sure to babysit if botting in high population areas (if you absolutely must bot in high pop. areas - try not to), and you should have moderate to great success depending on how well you look after your accounts and how carefully you bot.
  9. Hmm I thought you get the pet automatically, how does the process look like? I can add it perhaps.
  10. okay will be posting the alch speed update asap. Use at your own risk (fast=more botlike) personally I would use the normal option instead of the fast option, and I highly recommend not botting on an account that had a 2 day ban, you are so lucky you aren’t banned yet
  11. the mirror client is essentially copying the osrs client so it uses up 2x resources as normal, if it is too laggy for you try the normal stealth client instead, mirror mode’s benefits arent that great for bank skills, they are low enough ban rate as it is
  12. Which sand crab area? It should reset aggro if you have loaded the default settings. Activity: default, aggression: default
  13. Will check out the drop tuna thing, did you select swordfish + drop other fish? It only works if you're not banking. Which settings did you enable? Banking, drop 1, drop all? As for port sarim going upstairs, will check it out and add a fail-safe there ASAP As for tasks: choose the levelling task, so stop at X level, then type the level you wanna stop the task at. So if I wanna get 1-40 fishing, I do something like: new task -> fish shrimp -> stop at level 30 new task -> fish trout -> stop at level 40 and it should do those tasks in order
  14. Done activated trials good luck guys As for gem bag - sure I will add this as soon as I can, I need to unlock it first
  15. Set the client reaction timer to 100ms from 1000ms, I assume you are using mirror client? As for tasks, sorry for the delay I will try to get it released as fast as possible.
  16. I assume mirror: make sure to lower the client reaction timer from the default 1000ms (too slow) to ~50-100ms (faster), it should do the trick Hit the Shift + F3/F4 keys to change reaction timer.
  17. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yep will be adding a few updates to stalls, I highly recommend pickpocketing over stalls. In general, I only suggest training on stalls if you absolutely must, a lot of players wander by and you can get reported so it's best to babysit and sometimes intervene while botting. In any case I will be featuring a new tab for anti-ban, with a few customization options ^^
  18. The paint only shows the actual profit for bars, but the GE handler takes into account coffer + running costs. That is a good idea though, I may add an input for users to enter their prices for materials.
  19. Cool release, I highly recommend making that while statement more safe, add a few breaks to check if the script is running/paused otherwise you may need to ALT + F4 out of the bot Aside from that, should be super useful to the community, good job on sharing :)
  20. Czar


    If it's a high valued account I wouldn't risk it, I would just rebuild with a new one imo.
  21. Very informative replies, took the words straight out of my mouth ^^ For stronghold npcs: yep, always use the plugin. If still using plugin and not working, confirm please, and I will check it out. In the meantime I will run some tests there and if I find anything bad I will add it to the update list for next version. As for webwalker, yep it's osbot's silly webwalker I will have to overwrite it with mine again.
  22. Combat is the most popular by far, although an upside to these skills is that less popular = less bans, just make sure to bot responsibly ^^
  23. Czar


    Amazing progress, will add to main thread gallery ^^
  24. Alright I will check it out ASAP. Stay tuned for another update
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