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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Will be doing some more changes in behaviour, another update coming up. as for ban: whats your botting history like? How many bots did you run?
  2. Which bank? Activated trials good luck guys please confirm which bank I will help/fix ASAP
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Activated trials - warning: there is a pending update due to newest OSRS game update. Shouldn't take too long ^^
  4. Done activated trials good luck guys
  5. Will make some changes to walking/banking system, and will update the interfaces for canoeing, update coming up ^^ thanks guys - activated all trials ^^
  6. Will check this out ASAP, so it seems to be confused at the crafting screen because the target jewellery changes, will be adding an update ASAP ^^ Same applies to the mouse system, including a few options for antiban
  7. Will be adding an extra failsafe for dropping, and another option for backup drop system which uses osbots default dropper ^^ update coming up
  8. Hmm maybe it is trying to loot an item too far away? Try setting the loot tile distance to something around 8 tiles. Or Maybe the loot item is around the wall and is technically 8 tiles near, in which case I will make real distance affect looting items too. Worst case scenario: a fight zone can be built and you can enable to only loot items inside the fight zone. I may be adding a new feature called “loot zone” too, will function a lot better. as for trials, will activate ASAP
  9. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yep, fruit stalls I am working on it right now as we speak, going to push an update as soon as I can ^^
  10. Will check both of those reports out ASAP. For taverley dungeon have you tried enabling walk-setting 3? (initial script setup) hopefully it works better, in the meantime I will be running some tests ASAP. Same goes for levelling, should be an easy fix the only hard part was finding the root cause. Update coming up
  11. New Update (v244) - More performance improvements - Fixed magic shortbow (i) spec - Another attempt at fixing super combat drinking while ranging - Added world hop condition: hop if X npcs are in combat - Script now stops on death (optional banking after death too) if selected as stop condition - Fixed Kourend Castle banking when in Kourend catacombs - Walk-setting 3 is now auto-enabled if you are fighting hill giants with brass key - 'Loot my targets only' with cannon mode has temporarily been disabled until I add support for it - Fixed NPE on script startup when starting the script while logged out - NPC 'refinery' improvements, should check if it is able to load npcs from the client or not - Misc. changes Will be doing a final test run then posting the update, I hope I didn't miss anything, if I did, it is on my To-do list and requires more work, I will be posting another update as soon as I can. Please let me know if you have any startup issues I will investigate, right now the NPE isn't being reversed, please post again with the current update if it happens again. Also confirm if you are starting the script while logged in or out, I recommend while logged in, with fixed mode set.
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Will check out what's wrong, which settings are you using ? Pickpocketing, stalls, etc?
  13. Done activated good luck As for motherlode, added another small update for stability, it will improve multi ore mode and avoids going back to mine more if the sack is full. Update will automatically go live within a few hours
  14. @Silver Knight using mirror client? Does a re-hook solve this? Please confirm. Try hooking while logged out, default OSRS client, login manually, after a minute or so, start the script as normal. In the meantime I will test willow longbows (stringing, correct?) @emeraldgreen93 glad to hear, let me know if you have any new ideas/features or bugs, I am currently adding updates as we speak
  15. Curse + alch: make sure to enter npc name and item name to alch, it should work after that ^^ Make sure not to enter any IDs or anything. As for deposit all after superheating, will add an update ASAP Task mode - planned Activated trials good luck guys
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    @CantCatchMe the script is loading again, can you confirm it is working normally now? There has been a client update. If not, please confirm which settings you are trying to run and I will investigate + add an update As for trials, good luck guys
  17. Does mirror client restart solve the npc detector? I'm going to consult devs in the official scripter chat, there is little scripters can do about client not receiving correct data from hooked clients, it has been fixed before and messed up again and again, it's most likely an OSRS update thing, I will let you know what happens ASAP. In the meantime just log out manually and restart everything, if using java 32 bit try going for 64 bit. Also, which OS? I am able to add an update to detect if there are 0 npcs being read from the client but all I can do is instruct a client restart until npcs are being read Good news though, the more I bring this up the more likely it is to getting fixed by devs, we just can't find the exact cause, but it has been fixed before ^^ Cannon and NPE - did you set the client to fixed mode? Make sure it's on fixed mode and not on resized mode. If it's on fixed then ignore this message, in any case I will level up my pure with cannon and see what is going on + add an update. Saving profiles - which OS? If using mac I may need to add another update. Otherwise, are there any errors in console log? Are you saving ontop of an existing profile? Or is it a fresh profile? Confirm please Normal shortbow + ranging - fixed, I will be adding this fix in the new update. From now on, the script will know it's ranging if you clicked on the actual ranging button, and it will not try to read your weapons/ammo to determine if it's ranging or not, should be much more stable, but it may affect users who use ranging and are not ranging but using an alternative weapon (similar to ranging such as halberds) Hill giants and f2p : brass key in inventory? Also did you set your bank to grand exchange, or nearest? I think there is a bug with OSBot webwalker, I will have to fix it. In the meantime a temporary fix is to enable (Walk-setting 3) in the initial setup window, it will work much better using my custom webwalker For looting your own kills, enable the option in the setup window and it will only loot items from the npcs you kill, although if you are iron man and there is a drop already on the ground and your one appears on top of it, it may attempt to grab the other item. I am still trying to find a fix for this iron man glitch. I will add a fail-safe in the upcoming update Thanks guys !
  18. Yes I will add those trees in the list mode ASAP, update coming up As for trials - activated good luck guys
  19. Yep working on barb fishing plugin, it will be added to the 3rd tab as soon as I am finished coding ^^ I will activate a trial for you as soon as the update goes live As for raw karambwans and fairy rings, it is not supported yet, but I will see what I can do Activated trials good luck guys
  20. Will check out al-kharid bronze smithing, stay tuned for a quick update ^^
  21. This is a 2-version update, since I already posted v99 and was in the process of posting the changelog, but I got a few more requests/bugs to fix so I had to add a new version (hence v100) New Update (v100) - No longer goes back to mining more ore - Added beta (162) limit to ore, experimental - Activated a few options for the anti-ban tab Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys
  22. The script does not support more than 81 ore, I will add support for extended sack as soon as I get it on my account so I can do the appropriate testing ^^ As for going back to mining after putting ore, I will make it stay and wait for the ore. In the meantime I highly recommend either going to a popular world (so the struts are always fixed) or enabling strut repair, otherwise the bot is logically forced to either stay or mine more. In any case, I will be posting a new update as soon as I can ^^ Thanks guys
  23. Activated trials good luck guys
  24. Excellent job, it's nice to see open source around here, takes a lot to publish code for free. I can provide some quest data open source too, hopefully the script will progress further. Good luck on scripting
  25. Glad to hear, will be going for void on my new main soon, and will be posting some epic results Thanks guys for support and feedback, glad to see people botting responsibly
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