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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Activated trials good luck ^^
  2. Mirror refreshes slower than normal to help with memory, so you need to adjust the reaction timer and lower it from 1000ms down to around 50ms using the keys: SHIFT + F3/F4 ^^ good luck!
  3. Activated trials good luck my friend
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Well why is it dying, is the bot not detecting inventory or something? Did you make sure to set the client resolution to the classic mode (small size, fixed)? It should work. I will help to fix this for you ^^ please confirm resolution, and do you have any errors in the client console? As for banking, did you set the inventory to a full layout? What if you leave some spaces free does it work better? Please confirm ^^ as for trials done gl guys, make sure to set resolution to old layout for better results
  5. Glad to hear it works, let me know if you have any other suggestions/feedback so I can add more updates
  6. Activated trials good luck guys, glad to hear it's working well Also PS. Guys make sure to enable shift dropping in-game, if you are dropping logs ^^
  7. Re-activated trial good luck my friend, let me know if you have any other feedback/suggestions I will add more updates
  8. Activated double trial time good luck guys lemme know how it goes ^^
  9. Posted a few changes and tweaks, will be adding a major new update shortly, good luck on trials guys ^^
  10. Activated trials good luck guys lemme know how it goes, if you have any suggestions or errors tell me and I will add more updates
  11. Activated trials good luck guys
  12. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done good luck guys ^^ Glad to hear the thiever's done well, I will be adding more updates to that one too ^^ Will also be considering adding a few new big courses to this agility scripts thanks for the suggestions guys ^^
  13. Nice compilation, I use both item IDs and names and switch interchangeably whenever necessary, if I need an Item ID I just convert it over via the name and vice versa. All the item name warriors will say to never use names tho Personally, I myself am a item ID warrior instead of a item name warrior
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Hmm you claimed the same thing on the other thieving bot, that you 'died' and lost HCIM status twice? Your story is super believable my friend keep preaching it! As for food and 27 vs 26, glad it works better with 26 food in inventory, what's your setup like so I can add an update and make it work with 27 ^^ Did you have coins + 27 food or dodgy necklace or anything else? What was in the 1 slot? EDIT: If the HCIM troll was serious, make sure you have food in inventory so the bot can eat the food an not die. This bot will not continue if you are low on health and haven't selecting banking to get more food.
  15. Interesting idea, thanks for the guide really appreciate it ^^
  16. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Re activated trial gl, should be in client browser
  17. Activated trials gl guys let me know how it goes ^^
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Legendary my friend good job, would love to see some results and please don’t forget to keep botting responsibly ^^
  19. You mean to add more sets of breaks and randomly cycle between them? e.g. sometimes break for 1 hour sometimes for 5
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