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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Sorry my friend I didn't understand this part, can you explain this in more detail? I will take a look at the code and make an update to fix this. ^^ But, for the 1 hour mark and not finding any npcs, I will see about this, did you manage to gather any console log errors or screenshots? Was the player at the fight area or at bank? Which npc did you fight? If you have the profile, copy and paste to pastebin.com and I will take a look at possible solutions Also guys, everyone - good news, I will be posting another bugfix update (v247.3) very soon, with many fixes, changes and improvements Will be posting full changelog in my next post. Fixed some major bugs and the script works A LOT better in this version, especially for safespotting thanks to @xBow for providing detailed bug report
  2. Amazing read, good job so far and good luck in the future. Will be relaying some of your botting tips onto other users, thanks to you - if that's okay of course! PS for mirror mode try and get 64 bit java enabled, it is very well worth it, you'll get much more stable performance
  3. I would personally be cautious on the locations I bot, in today's botting environment I would generally stay away from mainland RS and try do all the skilling I can in Zeah, especially for woodcutting. Got a few users doing some epic levelling with the fisher, doing abnormal proggies (16+ hours) which I personally would be too scared to try but some people just know how to bot better than me ^^ EDIT: Also some people may agree or disagree but some have stated that botting on multiple accounts at the same time is not good for bans. Check out this thread for more info: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v3/?tab=comments#comment-1417948
  4. Thanks @xBow for bug report, I will be adding an update to make the script work better for you ^^ @ammanizzo depends on your bank conditions, set it to no food and choose a good bank, then the script will walk to bank when no food left. as for getting stuck fighting npc is there an error in the console log? also are you looting items which are far away? Currently working on the next update, stay tuned guys
  5. Glad to hear, looking forward to more results and progress reports ^^ Good luck, try and recover your old account via the forum mods, it's possible As for mirror mode and delays, yep mirror mode is delayed but it all depends on reaction timer, the default is 1000ms so it will be 1,000 millieseconds late to everything that happens in-game. The ideal value is around 50ms, you can change it via the shortcut keys: SHIFT + F3/F4
  6. I can't wait to see another 99 ^^ Especially in these days. Botting back then (2015) was easier, now it's more difficult and people are still getting 99s somehow ^^ Added results to main thread Activated all trials good luck guys ^^
  7. Done good luck on trials guys ^^
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Activated trials good luck guys A new update is almost ready ^^
  9. You mean when the camera zoom is all the way out (far away)? I can add it over from the crafter to to the smither As for move mouse outside screen, working on a system for both scripts which will be arriving pretty soon ^^
  10. Hmm the script doesn't drop any items, all scripts are verified by a trusted official script officer before any changes are made, so there's no way of anything silly like dropping valuable items. Maybe you were carrying the axe in inventory and the script deposited all, including the axe? I highly doubt it though. Here is the code for it too: In which I will be adding a few more exceptions to the drop list: dragonfruit tree seeds and redwood tree seeds. In any case I will do some test runs. As for failsafes for chopping logs, I will re-add the failsafe, I had to remove it due to misclicks and I didn't want the script to incorrectly stop at random times. Another update coming up, stay tuned guys ^^
  11. Yep working on a major overhaul for upstairs mode, got some epic updates planned there, including moving there while far away and a few more humanlike traversal of the upper floor ^^
  12. With good botting locations, you can do some real epic progress - easily achieve 99. I would personally avoid too public areas altogether, too risky.
  13. You got super lucky, most people would have gotten a permanent ban. Which spot did you bot in, and did you babysit and reply to in-game messages? How was your break setups like?
  14. Will activate as soon as the script hits the market again Still some development going on and then it will be back online, will be giving really long trials to all users who ask
  15. Alch warnings, turn off the warning icon temporarily: EDIT: Sorry wrong GIF. I will update it, correction: set the value threshold to 999,999,999 so it will never display a warning. Right click the high-alch spell icon and select 'Warning' Script price is 9.99 lifetime, no monthlies Stronghold plugin is located here: https://gyazo.com/d610061e090e099c70afebfdda279858 Not looting items during safespot If the script keeps returning to safespot while looting, then you can fix this by enabling the option: 'Only return to safespot when no loot', make sure not to have loot that is outside of the minimap, should be within minimap tile distance Smart safespot keeps running back and forth: post screenshots of setup and console logs. No need to be rude saying something is very wrong with the script, you may have configured it incorrectly. Either way post your setup so I can help and make a nice update to the script. I cannot do anything with no information, post screenshots of your setup window, that's all I need to either update the script, or to identify errors in your particular setup. Script is not looting or counting kills for me using plugin or normal script? Which npcs, any errors in console, what's your setup? Looting is 100% working fine for me, let me know the bug details and I will help and fix this for you ASAP High alch sometimes alching twice: will check this option out and add an extra layer of failsafe to the alching code, thanks for the bug report Expeditious bracelets: post screenshot of setup window, I will try test this without screenshot and just blindly trying out many combinations of options, haven't tried 1 expeditious worn and 1 in inventory yet, but I will see what I can do about this. Will post an update as soon as I can Don't forget guys, combining options will change the entire script's behavior, which is why the script has one of the lowest banrates for mid-to-end game botting compared to other skills. To those of you whom have posted real bug reports, thanks for your continued support and feedback, really appreciate it, you guys are making the script greater each day.
  16. Non placeholder works perfectly fine, but placeholder with Any item, with amount set to 0, it will bug out
  17. Will make some changes for the next update ^^
  18. Well it depends which npc you curse alch, it seems you are botting in a high ban rate area, I would be casting spells in a low population area to improve success with avoiding bans. Personally I would advise against teleporting since it is very public and can easily catch player reports, no matter which bot you use so unless you are super careful and babysit the bot it will be difficult. Please try with other areas and update us on the feedback ^^
  19. Nmz is only basic support so you can only do overload sipping and prayer flicking every random seconds, with auto retaliate enabled of course - not allowed due to market rules to do something like a full nmz due to there being 2 full ones with same price as fighter it has the main albeit simple features though ^^ I wanted you guys to have the best features in a bot possible as for npc prio system sounds like a good idea I will see what I can do
  20. For the ban luckily it wasn’t a permanent ban you got really lucky there, most people would have been perm banned tbh. The fight stop condition has been fixed it should work much better now, just please make sure to check your bot at least once per hour as a safety precaution ^^ sand crabs - it should be running away to re-aggro unless either you are using full AFK mode or you are fighting in a spot which doesn’t have a long enough path to reset, or maybe you have no food and coins and the bot is trying to go bank to grab some food (even if you don’t need to eat) just to be safe. Try holding some food in inventory to see if it works? In any case just show me your setup and screenshot ingame and I will try fix it for you ^^ as for stronghold can you let me know if you tried plugin or non plugin for minotaurs? Also please send me any relevant console logs and/or screenshots of the setup window so I can help and add an update as for looting window yes I can make some changes, is there no scroll bar in the list? I will make an option to reduce the size of the item names or if you have any other suggestions, lemme know! Alphabetically/filtering sounds nice. As for dragons and running away can you send me a screenshot of the setup window with all settings and copy/paste the console logger (in settings) so I can fix it for you will be much quicker if I know where to find the bug. Thanks for all your feedback and support guys really appreciate it ^^ will let you know when and what the next update is ^^
  21. New Update (v119) - Fixed world hopping delay - Fixed runite world hopping at Expanded Mining Guild Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys! ^^
  22. What do you need help with, are you building a script and need a second opinion or do you need a script made by another scripter, confirm please ^^
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