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Everything posted by Czar

  1. EDIT: Turn off task mode. Use the script normally without any tasked/progressive levelling otherwise it will try to go bank. Yesterday's update patched this so it should be good within a few hours. I have had a lot of success personally, and have witnessed others having a lot of success with barbarian fishing, I even found this proggy from 2 versions ago (non-task mode): EDIT: Seems to be planner/task levelling mode forcing the script to go bank. Looks like yesterday's update hasn't gone live yet, it should go live within a few hours max. Bot will show v135.2 once it's live automatically. Please use the normal script (not planner/tasked levelling mode temporarily).
  2. In the refund section of the forum, also note that refunds aren't usually given for bans. Please be careful next time, I am 100% sure you already had a flagged IP from previous botting too, so make sure to clear random.dat and jcache. 2 hours of botting is far too soon for a ban, something seems suspicious. Also guys, update v125 is now live, enjoy!
  3. EDIT: Turn on the option 'Ignore fishing equipment/devices' you may have an incorrect/unsupported fishing tool. You will see good results after this ^^ As for breaks, this is client sided not bot sided, make sure both breaks values are correct, there's one option for when to start breaks, and another option for how long to break for. Confirm if this doesn't work and I will add an update to make sure it works 100% perfectly for you No need to be rude As for trials, activated enjoy Here's a preview of it dropping:
  4. Added 5 hour proggy to main thread, good job man you are epic sir The paths are randomised but it doesn't appear that way, I can make it even more random if you want, which I will do in the upcoming update. I just posted a new update v261.3 for stronghold, the walker has had a major improvement, glory mode is working flawlessly now, re-equipping glory while the bank is still open (more efficient) thanks to my runecrafter I converted the code over here. Sand crabs and GDK update coming within a few hours, those two will have some nice tweaks/changes to them that you will all enjoy. @mookie1 it's supposed to run away so that crabs will keep attacking you (to reset their aggro) - if you don't want the bot to run away then it's possible to configure the bot to steal other people's crabs however they will be very angry. If that's not what you meant by running, please elaborate so I can help. I am currently coding a nice update for sand crabs and am in need of feedback to make the bot even better. For looting herbs at chaos - I will go check them out ASAP and see which herbs aren't being looted - ranarrs and all high level herbs is what I will set it to loot, and bank at edgeville? Or are you talking about the taverley druids? please confirm! Keep it up guys thanks for all the support and feedback, you are awesome ^^
  5. Will make some more changes and updates to the script, keep the suggestions/issues coming and be as detailed as possible, I need the bot at 100% high quality Thanks guys you are awesome keep it up
  6. In my opinion I'm a lot safer with mirror as opposed to stealth injection, I don't think I've ever extensively botted stealth (except for suicide botting) since mirror was released. However I have had bans with mirror so it's not invincible. I recently got a ban on my suicide account, managed to make a lot of profit and mule before the ban though, since I expected it (non-stop botting sessions). Mirror's advantage is that it appears as the default osrs client, and the other major benefit is the reaction timer - slower actions are always safer, however it is not efficient. But I would trade efficiency for safety every time.
  7. For mirror if you want quicker speed then it is recommended to lower the reaction timer from 1000ms to 50ms using the shift + f3/f4 keys, the bot will be more responsive. As for clicking the exact tile I am sure osbot randomises all walking, maybe it is offset by a tile or two and it appears like the same? Regardless I will make it even more random and add a bigger range for randomness.
  8. Noted all feedback down, will be factored into the next update, keep them coming! Thanks guys Please note GDK was never officially supported although I am working hard to get it 100% flawless, it is still experimental. Disclaimer for all: do not buy the bot solely for GDK, on the thread it states that it is not supported. As for Cannon for GDK I would have added it at the very beginning but they are all in the wilderness, except for the newly added Revenant caves. What if you die with a cannon to a pker? Will it be retrievable or is it gone to the pker? I will check out how it works in any case. Rogues I have not seen them before but I will add them for sure, the only rogues in the fighter npc database are the wildy ones, I will find them and add them. All plugins (as of ~this week) have been re-written and re-designed completely, are currently being developed into more advanced plugins, so they will require some tweaks, my apologies! As for the rest, should be easy fixes, update v262 coming up
  9. Awesome! Added to main thread
  10. If you managed to catch which exact area it bugged out at please let me know, even if you have just witnessed it once walk back and forth - any information will do. It would make the update go quicker. I will search for it and see where it goes wrong, so sorry about this As for trials activated enjoy, I highly recommend mining in the East or West areas for optimal stability ^^
  11. @derbiroy ZMI -I just tested it couldn't find anything wrong, which settings did you use? Please make sure to set a rune for the banking stage. Are you using food/potions? Pouches? Teleports (rune pouch) or walk? Confirm so I can help! @rsafadi I tried with your settings and it works, it filled pouches and started runecrafting. Can you show screenshot of your settings and please verify if the account was trying to either eat, restore stamina, or repair pouches? Also does it work if you disable staminas, disable food, and disable npc contact? If so then I will know what the problem is and add another update ASAP. You won't get banned if you bot responsibly, please don't bot for longer than 2 hours at a time with runecrafting and take breaks. As for the ban, you got super lucky with the 2 day ban, you could have been permanently banned. I highly recommend not botting on multiple accounts simultaneously as you will just get caught easily. 2-3 hours botting is far too soon for a ban, did you use any previous scripts or have any previous botting history on that account? A lot of factors are into play. Please check out this guide to prevent bans: Preventing RS Botting Bans V3 - Botting & Bans - OSBot :: 2007 OSRS Botting EDIT: Found the issue with Ourania/ZMI for closing/opening bank! Will be posting an update for this too, thanks guys! New Update (v125) - Abyss banking sped up - Wildy ditch warning interface now handled - Jewellery box (POH) fixed - Ourania altar fixed banking bug opening/closing all the time - Some parts of the script have been sped up and no longer closes the bank when performing certain tasks (such as eating food/drinking potions) Will be doing a final test run before I push the update. After the update is pushed it will automatically go live within a few hours, enjoy! Will also be making some changes to the script behaviour which will affect anti-ban too.
  12. Hello, can you confirm these two settings: have you enabled shift drop? Also have you lowered mirror mode reaction timer from 1000ms to 50ms using the shift + f3/f4 keys? please let me know ASAP. As for clicking twice sure I will add an update for that. Same applies to mouse cursor. As for Sulliuscep - not supported just yet but I will see what I can do!
  13. Fixed, my apologies. A temporary workaround is to select list mode -> choose iron rocks -> then select screen mode again - it will do the trick. In the meantime I will post a new update to fix screen mode, and pre-hover rocks. My apologies guys, if possible please use list mode or do the above trick ^ to get the screen mode to work, I am trying my best to get the update out ASAP! EDIT: Got it to work, just posted the new update. New Update (v131) - Fixed screen mode mining - Fixed pre-hover next rock Update will automatically go live within a few hours, enjoy! Bot overlay will show v131.0 when it's officially live. Here's a sneak peek
  14. Will add a delay for edge banking so it doesn't click twice randomly. Molten glass still not available, I will announce it as soon as it goes live!
  15. Hello are there any errors in the console log? Please confirm so I can help! Did you make sure to start the bot while logged in? Also set client resolution to fixed/classic and not resized? If nothing works please clear your C:/Users/OSBot folder. I just posted a new update for Bolts, should be live within a few hours max. Bolts are now fletched without any delays ^^
  16. No 3 tick fishing yet, needs to be done super carefully since it's high risk As for clue dropping sure, it will feature in the next version after this ^^ Just posted an update for task mode and dropping/banking - it no longer automatically banks if you didn't set it (task mode). Next update will be clue dropping. Latest bot version is now: 135.3 enjoy! Update will automatically go live within a few hours.
  17. Stronghold update is now live, sorry I was in the process of re-writing, please don't be rude. I am here to help Banking is now working again for stronghold. Note: glory mode update is still pending, please use walking for now. @shaba123 please outline the features that aren't working for you, I will help. As for walking when stopping script, I will make it perform whatever the banking teleport is set to, easy update. @mookie1 Sand crabs - it is supposed to run away to reset aggro, or do you mean something else? Please verify. I will do a test run at sand crabs to make sure everything is okay there. @Jameskent94 Please elaborate! I will help you get the bot running Usually default settings are fine, just click Run bot and select continue, no extra steps necessary, it will run like a charm! As for superior - will update the superior code EDIT: Rock crab seems to be fine, just ran it with default settings. Please be mindful of the 'AFK my tile' option, it will freeze your player on the tile you were standing while configuring the setup window. Also guys, please set your game resolution to fixed/classic, as shown here: As for trials - activated enjoy Let me know if you have any questions/run into any issues/have suggestions for the next update EDIT 2: Stronghold update is currently live.
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Will add a new update to disable camera movement for pickpocketing, should work smoother.
  19. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Updated has been posted, will take a few hours to go live, enjoy! As for breaks - they are in: Top right -> Settings -> Options -> Enable breaks, then you are able to set the amount of minutes to break for, and how often to trigger breaks - gl ^^ Also trials activated too, enjoy! Gave double trial time since an update is pending for stalls too. Let me know if you need more time
  20. Done enjoy guys I got some efficiency updates underway regarding the boat and general responsiveness, so let me know if you run into any issues or have any questions!
  21. For 3 hour intervals if you are planning on long-term botting then yes 2-3 hour, however I usually just suicide my bots at blast furnace and usually squeeze 2-3 days of botting until they are banned (weekends typically). As for bucket in inv and stamina, I will try that setup and see what improvements and tweaks I can make. Update v92 is live, hopefully you guys like it. I got more efficiency updates underway. Here is a quick update on that tester account I posted today morning: Already made my bond back within less than half a day of suicide botting, I give this account another 2 days of life left until it get's banned! I should've botted my usual amount of 6-8 bots but I had no time unfortunately. Thankfully the re-write of this script (v90 or so) has allowed the possibility for CLI and muling to be supported which means it's the next feature on the list and botting many accounts can become an easier task. Thanks to those of whom have provided feedback and support all the way, you are awesome ^^ EDIT: Just posted v92.1, this update patches the situation: if you started the bot without the bank being opened, it will now work better. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours. Paint will show v92.1 when it goes live. Just making some final polishing touches. In the meantime please keep the bank opened before starting the bot for optimal results. Also added an escape function for filling buckets, it will now recognise that it filled the bucket more accurately.
  22. @alexrees which ore are you mining? please confirm. I will add an update immediately. Same applies for clicking on the same rock. If you are using mirror please make sure to lower the reaction timer from 1000ms to 50ms using the SHIFT + F3/F4 hotkeys, it helps a lot. EDIT: Seems to be dropping fine, can you confirm if you have set the client resolution to fixed/classic? Here is what it's doing for me:
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