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Everything posted by Czar
More updates are underway, especially for the dialogue, as well as other changes regarding misclick frequency and hopefully the New Account Builder setup window will be ready, I really want to add more customizable options to the building/questing part. Thanks for all your hard work and feedback, I really appreciate it, it helps make the bot even better ^^ You guys are legends As for the accounts, in OSBot there are no limits for accounts running bots. The way it works is that normal users are only allowed to have 2 simultaneous clients running at the same time, and VIP has unlimited clients. I will activate trials so you guys can see how it works out, good luck ^^
Done good luck guys, some epic updates on the way too ^^ Thanks to all for providing feedback and suggestions over the OSBot discord, you know who you are ^^
Super effective, kudos, I had to make my own peasant tier version back in the day when coding the stronghold walker :doge:
What was glitchy about it? If you mean the walking part, then please make sure to set the game resolution to fixed mode (not resized) and zoom out all the way for the best results ^^
Make sure to type in the item name, not ID, also are you using java 8, 64 bit - in the meantime I will test and see if there needs to be a new update for alching ^^
Make sure that you have lowered the mirror mode reaction timer from 1000ms to 50ms using the SHIFT + F3/F4 keys, then you will notice a big improvement in speed ^^ Also 64 bit java is highly recommended. As for trials, activated good luck guys
Done good luck on trials guys ^^
Alch-teleing is a popular request I will definitely add that, but do bear in mind - it is super watched/risky compared to other magic spells, so I will be adding a warning sign before enabling that spell. That being said I will do whatever I can in terms of anti-ban, but you must reply to in-game chat, teleporting is very public and leaves you open to in-game chat/reports. I appreciate your help, support and feedback, I am happy to hear that you own multiple czar scripts ^^ As for enchant jewellery, I have tweaked the delay and now it is much faster than before, this new update will feature in v138.0 of the script. Thanks for the suggestion ^^ As for move mouse outside, I am almost done with the new setup window, it will feature a massive update, similar to my herblore script, it had Planning/progressive mode added to it. That being said, there will be a new anti-ban tab which will comprise of the move mouse offscreen option for all applicable spells ^^ Will be pushing update v138.0 within a few hours
Great to hear, please keep me updated so I can help - let me know if you have any more questions/issues/suggestions for the next update ^^ I will do some debugging with crossbow and bolts in the meantime to make sure nothing goes wrong. Guys - I am currently about to post a new update regarding non-botting mode, and a few changes to the banking system to make it more quicker to setup and configure ^^
Will add more changes to the bot, expect an update v138 ^^ Thanks for all the support and feedback guys, you are all amazing ^^ Also thanks for proggy, added to main thread good job ^^
Will make further changes in the upcoming version, glad to hear it's working better, let me know if the speed is still good (even after a few hours) so I can adjust it accordingly. Thanks for all feedback guys you are all amazing
It's working for me, do you have teamviewer so I can help? Please post a screenshot of the client so I know what went wrong, you need to be more clear ^^ I really want to resolve this issue, once you get it working you will love the bot ^^ With 10 sharks and nothing else, the script is working 100% fine, nothing is broken, please let me know what you are having problems with so I can help EDIT: Please try to use fixed mode, not resized mode, zoom out a bit with the camera, don't add any useless items or equipment to the banking list, keep some food at all times, and just run the script, it should work really well ^^ Also for the world hopper, make sure not to set a low number like 2-3, the bot counts all the players in the minimap, so be careful.
The current osbot version featured an update to check if the item is a placeholder via RSItemDefinition.isPlaceholder, so you must make use of that currently. Personally on my bots I check if the amount > 0 just to make sure placeholders aren't included, let us know if that solves the issue ^^
I'm using malwarebytes and it's not detecting anything negative with mirror o_O
Hello the payment is one time only. There are no monthly for any of my bots ^^ I will give you a trial so you can test the bot out and see if you like it
Which options did you select for the coin pouch, are you pickpocketing or blackjacking? Also is your inventory full when banking, or are you withdrawing more gloves/necklaces when banking? Please confirm so I can help Post a screenshot of your setup window with the options you selected please. As for trials, will activate, good luck guys ^^
Done good luck on trials guys ^^ Let me know if you discover any issues or if you have any questions/suggestions for the upcoming update
Make sure to equip the crossbow and the bolts, you don't really need to bank for more bolts or for crossbows, just have them equipped and the bot will do the rest. Hold 2-3 sharks and put those sharks on your inventory loadout list and the script will work. Make sure not to include any other items apart from food and/or potions. The bot doesn't support wielding bows/arrows upon banking, I would definitely add this if there was a real need for this, but considering that you only need to equip those items once, and then run the bot, I don't see a point, although if I am wrong please do correct me, I will definitely add more updates revolving around user feedback and bugs. The simple fix for you would be to remove the crossbow and bolts from the banking list, it will work much better after that ^^ As for non-botting mode, I will check this out, and I will add an update to prevent attacking while in non-botting mode, update coming up ^^
Saving/loading is not yet supported but I am planning a whole update for both saving/loading and running from CLI, as well as a 'Load last settings' button ^^
New Update (v120) - Added improvements to master/worker trading -- The timing for trades has been improved - Added misc changes to the setup for quicker configuration - Added misc changes to combo runecrafting, including mud runes Will be pushing the update after a final test run, update will automatically go live within a few hours good luck guys ^^ Thanks for all the feedback, I have modelled the update with regards to all user feedback in this thread. Keep them coming!
How did you make that happen, for me it seems to be working fine, I selected Steel instead of Iron, please make sure you did that too. Otherwise post a screenshot of your setup settings so I can use the same settings and find the problem to fix it for you ^^ EDIT: Also did you make sure to set the game resolution to classic/fixed mode, not resized? It seems to be the resolution, I just tested the bot on the resized/larger resolution, and looks like I need to add an update to support larger resolutions (if you have coal bag). Right now the bot only supports coal bag with the normal/classic resolution, please enable this button in order to use the bot: to avoid any confusion, I posted a quick image to save time: also, if using coal bag: please make sure to close the coal bag by right clicking on it
The plugin is located at the top of the setup window, near File as for bans, make sure not to bot tutorial, and dont bot in high popularity areas, try go Zeah (except sand crabs) and you will be fine. All the typical botting areas (crabs) are not worth it. Neither are cows/chickens/seagulls anywhere in lumbridge IMO. Although if you must, bot there responsibly, I am just giving advice on what areas are more watched than others, regardless of the bot/client that is used. As for mouse, everything in osbot is randomized and humanlike, unless the scripter specifically programmed otherwise/against the norm. As for saving/loading, right now there is no way to save entire lists of Tasks in the task manager, but I am working on re-writing the save system to allow that, as well as saving stop/alert conditions too