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Everything posted by Czar

  1. CLI I'll be explaining how to set this up in the next version, so you guys will see a new file menu called 'Export to CLI' in the setup window, that will basically convert all the options you select to a cli-parameter which will need to be copy/pasted into the terminal
  2. Found the issue, something needed updating after the recent version. Just posted version v146.1, should automatically be available within a few hours.
  3. Does it withdraw talismans for you? Please confirm. For trading over, I've just noticed something that needs updating in the script, will post another version shortly.
  4. Activated trial, I need to make sure it banks them at the fossil bank, will double-check and let you know!
  5. Can confirm @Hanalways gives good feedback on scripts for what to add/improve!
  6. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Thanks guys!! I love this community
  7. Epic! Added to main thread good job sir keep it up Please don't forget to use breaks, also I recommend barbarian fishing to 99 XD Special attacks - done added for v138.4, should automatically go live within a couple hours. Almost done with adding a new bonus plugin to the script btw, more to come!
  8. By Czar 99 in one go!!! Multiple 99s in 1 sitting!!!!! Features List - Supports 4 locations, with randomisation options (Randomise all, randomise north-only, randomise south-only) - Supports taking the axe for woodcutting, if not already equipped/held - Supports taking all equipment including Tinderbox, knife, unfinished potions from crates - Prepares for matches early, and waits around the brazier if you selected to light them (For +25 initial points) - Supports waiting at the safezone after winning the match (at 500 points) to preserve food - Supports training agility via the northern agility steppe - Knows exactly which external actions interrupt your current action, and plans accordingly - Identifies cold snaps and either avoids them completely, or randomises between avoiding and tolerating them - Allows you to fletch logs before burning them for a more balanced experience gain - Choose to optionally switch to other sectors if pyromancer is dying - Identifies pyromancer health, brazier repaired, brazier lit at all times - Knows exactly how many points our current inventory holds (in terms of burning logs) - Gets 1-50 firemaking: locked to maximum of 50 firemaking, and locked to Grand Exchange only. - Buys a player-owned-house via the Varrock Estate agent if you don't already own one (Optional) - Identifies if the account has visited Zeah before, and plans ahead. - Will travel to Zeah by ship to unlock it for newer accounts (Highly useful for goldfarming!) - Resupplies food, jewellery and teleports via the Grand Exchange - Teleports to Grand Exchange supported: Ring of wealth, Varrock teleport tab, Varrock spell (runes only!), Amulet of glory, Home teleport (Lumbridge/Edgeville) - Teleports to Wintertodt Camp supported: Games necklace, walking - Allows you to filter and join matches when a certain % of the game is already active, so wait for next match if below X% - Either holds onto crates, banks them or opens them - up to you! - Supports choosing your own food, choosing when to eat (eat %), choosing minimum to leave match for, and amount to withdraw - Upgrades to pyromancer gear when applicable - Identifies when you get a Phoenix pet - Buys warm clothing that your account is able to wear, filters by skill requirement. - Stop notifications tab (similar to Perfect Fighter): allows you to choose when to stop the bot, or when to alert/notify you - Stop the script at ANY moment in time, after X minutes/hours/seconds, after X wins, after X item gained (pet too!), after X experience gained & more! Buying Warm Clothing (3 missing pieces)! Results
  9. Please give botting another go, jagex do unban after multiple attempts (despite saying they don't), just make sure to select 'I knew the rules and I would like to apologise), and don't quit botting, check this guide out for preventing bans: Preventing RS Botting Bans V3 - Botting & Bans - OSBot :: 2007 OSRS Botting
  10. Not yet but it's next on the list. Will be converting the system from the crafter, shouldn't take long. I'll give you a trial as soon as it's released
  11. Any errors in the console logger (top right -> settings -> toggle logger). Using dueling ring for fire runes? Inventory full when withdrawing ess, and how many pure essence did you input in the setup window. Please confirm so I can help
  12. For Bandit camp un-noting method: Working on it sorry, this one's a bit more complex so it will take a bit more time. I'll try have it done by tomorrow morning!
  13. Coal bag is more than double profit/hr currently, but it takes a few hours to get (I think ~15 hrs?) If you find a way to bot motherlode that long without any bans just before a weekend, then sure go for it. Buying accounts, wouldn't be worth it imo.
  14. Cave Kraken - Not yet, but I'm willing to add it. I just need the slayer req, will be adding it to the to-do list. Will be doing another version today. Yesterday's update is now live enjoy!
  15. Yes any account can be a worker, I urge you to make sure that master account is on a different IP and ideally machine than the worker(s) for best results For bloods, just need the 77 runecrafting req on my main and I'll add support for them, I'm super pumped ^^ EDIT: New Update (v145.3) - Added support for spaces, underscores and hyphens in usernames (for master/worker trading) -- Now trades master all the time - Added a fix for Mud Runecrafting (master/worker), the master now crafts runes correctly Update will automatically go live within a few hours.
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