@ospaul for arrows check if you have 'loot my items' enabled, or 'loot items in fight zone', they could be interfering with the ammo. please confirm your setup so I can help you.
As for ammo taking from the bank - good idea tbh, I like it. I'll add a way to do this.
For the planner (magic & range) will you be switching between these two skills or will you be using this with the stops/alerts conditions? Also would you be interested in a way to train defence via ranged?
For CLI, the id is 758, and for the arguments you gotta type in the saved profile name, so if I have a abyssal demons profile that I named abyss_demons123.txt, I'll type that name into the args. I recommend having underscores for simplicity, otherwise be sure to encase the profile name in "" quotation marks.
Potions should be working better now, more updates underway. No more noted potion drinking bug, fixed
Trials - done enjoy