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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Got an update coming regarding the responsiveness of the entire bot, should notice a huge performance boost too ^^
  2. Yes I wanted to make it work with far away zoom so you could theoretically click once to smith, and click once to bank, ultimately leading to fewer interactions and decreasing chances of getting banned. Will make some tweaks to allow more flexibility, and to improve ardy furnace. As for trials done enjoy!
  3. Good idea, I’ll add a way to support larger resolutions. It was to ensure the script will always be stable and won’t mess up due to varying resolutions.
  4. Performance and stability update should be live, you should be noticing that breaks are now handled better as well as auto login. As for ranged/mage, will check these out. For caged ogres did you select the option “attack unreachable npcs”? @osrs42 @boardy Seems to be an issue with detecting potions, can you confirm if you either have no potions in inventory, or noted potions? Please lemme know. @MadMax18 Welcome back bro how did you end up fixing that? So other users can also benefit @MrLights Are game messages set to normal or filtered? Also did you have the option “Alert on superior slayer npc” enabled? Please confirm, I’ll check it out in the meantime As for trials, enjoy! Edit: I’m currently running this on my ranging acc, will be posting some nice profiles & some good screenshots/results
  5. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Please be careful guys with all scripts, especially hotspots like agility. 1 hour is enough for agility, but if you botted with multiple accs or even if you used different scripts in a short period of time it can be detrimental. Check out this guide: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v3/
  6. Done, @alahkad posted an update to speed everything up. Version will remain the same, lemme know if you would like further changes! As for trials done enjoy! If you don’t notice anything change lemme know!
  7. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done update is now live, script works nice and smoother now, shout out to Token for being a beast as usual Death mechanic updates are next, will announce next version as soon as possible!
  8. Posted a script-wide update regarding performance and stability, applies to all my scripts and this one too. Gl guys! You should notice some nice improvements
  9. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Posted update v168.0, should automatically go live within 24 hours, sorry about that, was experimenting with some new code related to multithreading. It should be back to normal in this version Will extend auth to all users once update goes live. Also yes I'll be adding support for dying, and more code to prevent dying as well as attempting to log-out/hop if a pker is nearby etc.
  10. Yep, done gl activated an auth so you can try ^^ Note: please use list mode for selecting, it'll still present an option to choose rocks from screen but the method needs to be chosen from the list, dw about this you'll know what I'm talking about as soon as you launch the setup window XD
  11. I'll add a few failsafes and more accurate mouse clicks for v70, update coming up ^^
  12. Ty sir, will make an update for these for v32.2 EDIT: Using fixed resolution? Or resized/opaque tabs? (On mirror it's possible to have small screen but resized) Also guys, v32.1 is now live gl
  13. Yep yep yep yep will be particularly testing the welcome screen first
  14. Done enjoy! Just posted a nice release for the bot, update version 134.0, should go live within a few hours, you guys will see some nice improvements!
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    New Update (v212.0) - Added improvements to Rogues' den - Added improvements to stall thieving -- Including click/interaction handler - Added thieving from southern chest (natures/ardy) too - Added trapdoor for ham pickpocketing - Added improvements to prevent deaths, especially on lower-levelled accounts - Fixed a few misc issues with the walker, stalls, and pickpocketting Doing a final round of testing and then I'll push this later today, thanks guys, more to come. Please note rogues' den is not fully, nor officially supported. It's simply a beta test, Disclaimer: DO NOT buy the script solely for rogues' den ^^
  16. Spot on tbh. I'll be adding a few more options in the misc tab with regards to bot behaviour, any criticism is welcome and and encouraged. I hope I'll post an update today, depends how testing for v144.0 goes. @outoftimewon Authed a trial, I recommend trying the muds feature if you want profit, it's not too bad nowadays
  17. Hello sir did you get this working yet? If not please select ores manually with waterskins and humidify runes in your inventory, set the method to: Choose from list, sandstone, method: grind and humidify. Lemme know how it goes! As for trials done gl guys!
  18. I'll get to work on those issues, ty! I was also especially curious on how to make the stage where the character enters the altar (after teleporting to duel arena) more humanlike, it used to turn the camera to a fixed angle and walk north, however I removed that to help with anti-ban and make it more random.
  19. Done added a small update for hiding overlay, should be handled via the F2 hotkey. Also welcome back @Han, glad to have you back Hopefully you'll like the recent changes for the runecrafting script, if not, lemme know what you wanna change since I'm working on update v144.0 with some nice new features And yes if you're doing master/worker, try and keep main on a separate IP and ideally separate machine too, take care of it, the workers can get risked but the main is the most important
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