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Everything posted by Czar

  1. I recommend Quicker Trips (BETA) enabled if you have a coal bag, it's the best for profit. Otherwise ice gloves (if you have them) or bucket of water (if no ice gloves). Make sure to fill up some coal so the bot has backup coal (good for long-term stability), keep coins in inventory or place like 1m in the coffer and let the bot do the rest. Keep stamina for quicker bars/hr
  2. Should be patched in v146.4 today. Lemme know if you notice anything with pouches and/or inventory space from time to time too please. Btw yesterday's update is now live regarding Abyss, please let us know how it goes for you guys! More abyss releases are on the way too, same with Ourania and combo runes.
  3. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Will make some changes for v1.8 today, thank you sir. I'll add a way to toggle between skills like in my fighter (for slayer etc) using the F4/F5. For hiding the paint, we can do this now via the F2 key. As for banking I've noticed it's a bit slow, I'll make it faster Added to main thread, ty sir! Please let us know how it goes, and if you get a phoenix pet xD
  4. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Much respect - should get 99 within a week I suspect, ty btw! Also just posted a new update which should be available automatically within a couple hours. Also working on adding automatic clue hunter gear support, so it should go and attain the outfit - ideal for HCIM and IMs
  5. Have seen this before but for another bot. Will check this out too, update coming up
  6. Done enjoy! Just added birdhouse crafting too, gl
  7. Will add some changes now for next version, good idea tbh. Should I make it randomly click 1-2 times like at a super super rare chance? Or strictly deposit-all once and never again, any method is fine Bandit un-noting almost done, sorry for the delay, I'll try get it released by tonight/early morning.
  8. That would be ideal, thank you. I'm gunna knock out the abyss idle times and make the bot smarter there in the meantime ^^ Also everyone - I'm going to be adding more combo runes supported, right now only mud and lava are supported but I want to add more since there's a few that yield good profit numbers xD
  9. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    What a legend dude please update us on 99 if you're not taking a break from thieving xD Update is now live for the rogues den, lemme know what you guys think, if you go for the set on a new acc or something. Before the update I did notice it kept failing the course at index 48-49 you're right. I had to slow it down so it clicks the next tile more accurately, it should work regardless of zoom now, but a farther zoom level does help. @nunesiparink Any luck? Lemme know.
  10. Posted release v67.0, will automatically go live within a couple hours, enjoy! Also activated free trials gl
  11. What a legend, next step nmz? would make slayer go much quicker tbh
  12. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Got another nice release on the way, more of a general efficiency-improvements update, for version v1.7. Thanks all!
  13. Done and done, posted another update for v146.3, my apologies I mixed up the version numbers. Update will automatically go live within a couple hours. Lemme know if you notice any others, also if the bot ever gets stuck just copy/paste the logger so I can identify & fix immediately please xD EDIT: @HashPlant512 Have Edgeville bank booth clicks improved, or still the same? Please confirm, I'll make more changes if necessary
  14. Done enjoy! Got another great release coming to get more bars/hr for mith and above, figured a way to make quicker trips mode even better. Update v111.0 coming out shortly
  15. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    New Update (v1.6) - Added fail-safe for low agility - Buying PoH: No longer need restocking or prepare mode to buy PoHs - Added multiple types of food support, e.g. Cakes, brews, jugs of wine - Fixed walking path from Port Piscarillius to Wintertodt Camp (on first travel unlock) - Fixed firemaking preparation mode (1-50 unlock) no longer tries to firemake noted logs - Added onLevel to stop conditions - Now de-selects items like a human, instead of clicking inventory each time - Banking and food healing improved, no longer closes the bank window - Now deposits-all leftover food and withdraws-x more food for better efficiency - Now drops empty jugs and vials for users who wish to have non-fish food - Corrected an issue with dodging cold snaps - Improved path-walking to bank - Corrected an issue with taking axes from the crate - Various areas of the script sped up, from interactions to state changes Update will automatically go live within a few hours, enjoy! Thanks again to @Sheetz and @FuryShark for the feedback.
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    New Update (v214.0) - Added an update for rogues' den outfit grabber (Note: Rogues' Den maze is not officially supported, please do not buy the script for this feature) - Fixed banking logic for pickpocketing, should work better - No longer keeps items that you didn't choose, when banking - Added an update so the bot doesn't get stuck or idle out - Added an update for being attacked/stunned while pickpocketting - Updated bank_flag command, no longer tries to bank randomly when not supposed to, or when losing dodgy necklaces, or when full inventory - Reduced the default wait time after stun from 4-4.5 seconds down to 2-2.5 seconds, can still be modified via setup window Update will automatically go live within several hours, enjoy! You guys will love this update, it has something better for everyone Also if you guys notice any errors or anything wrong, please copy/paste the console logger via (top right -> settings -> toggle logger) so I can help.
  17. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I recommend enabling these options: [Simple mode], [Save npc], [Sticky NPC] and then manually tagging the ardy knight or master farmer. If that doesn't work, then just [Simple mode] is fine, it totally depends on the npc, if it get's killed often then turn off [Save npc/Sticky NPC]. Please use a non-full inventory when pickpocketing. And if an error occurs or the script stops, please open the console logger (top right -> settings -> toggle logger) and copy/paste so I can help. Also, using breaks? Using the option 'Deposit all then withdraw'? Please confirm. It should only deposit all if you enable that option. Testing now*
  18. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Thanks guys Just posted update v1.6, it should support Jug of wines and Saradomin brews in this update too, along with some other improvements - especially for account builder mode, firemaking mode (1-50) and preparing first trip to zeah. Big shoutout to Sheetz and Fury for feedback too.
  19. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Thank you! Shoutout to token for being a beast as usual Accepting trials now, please like the thread or post below for a trial. I urge you to have a trial before buying the script since it's a fresh new script, even though it has been tested by multiple users.
  20. Done, activated more trial time since there is a nice release pending for v110.2 of the bot today Enjoy @Sendit69
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