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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Dw about it, activated enjoy!
  2. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Update v2.1 just went live enjoy guys! Version 2.2 is on the way, with the crate option re-introduced and pyromancers improved.
  3. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Yes but please use the newer devbuild client for more success - activated trials so you can see how it goes. @Christian Is Canifis working better for you, or worse, lately? Please confirm!
  4. Will take a look @ZeVo, using devbuild or osbot .87 btw? If the devbuilds still hop in bad worlds I'm gunna have to ditch the api and write my own hopper xD As for falador teleports - not yet supported but I will see how this works on youtube before I try it myself
  5. v136.1 seems to quick in terms of delays/animations, just posted another small release for v136.2 patching the delays so the script performs a little more humanlike.
  6. Sand crabs standalone script will potentially have more features, right now they're almost the same but I don't wanna ruin it for other sand crabs scripts. I activated a trial so you can see if you like the bot or not, enjoy! Yes, in which context do you mean. So for detecting equipment in the setup window and making it so we don't have to keep changing the item name after every time it degrades, and/or is the bot failing to equip other degrade-level gear after a certain amount of time? E.g. after 2 hours it goes from torag helm 100 to torag helm 50 and it won't equip torag helm anymore - is this a good description of what you'd like to see changed/improved. If not please clarify I'm open to any ideas/suggestions Depends, the tile should be lighting up green for safespot and silver/grey for the cannon tile. Also is the target npc behind a wall/gate/fence? If so did you check the [Attack unreachable npcs] option. I think it's either trying to walk to the cannon as a fallback for not reaching the safespot, or (unlikely) the safespot is set to the same tile as the cannon tile. I'll investigate and report back. If you've recently resolved this please lemme know what the issue was! Hello sir - I think this is fixed with devbuild 2.6.1, but regardless I'll add an exclusion script-side to play it completely safe! I'm trying to find out what's causing this. Did you enable banking? If so - is your bank condition set to [Bank when loot full]? My thinking is that it's actually picking up the cannon because it's trying to bank, or trying to go for a breaks session (?) and then once it picks up the cannon it's deciding not to bank and continue fighting (& then places down the cannon again). If you have any logs that would clear any confusion and I'll be able to fix this for you straight away. I don't think the bot even supports picking up cannon before it breaks (~20 mins) since I haven't timed it yet, but this is a good idea which I'll add in the next version. So it should be more smart in terms of cannon strategy. Another scenario could be that there's another cannon (belonging to another player) which needs repairing and the bot keeps trying to repair/pick-up that other players cannon - I could be miles off and completely wrong but it's a theory nonetheless. I need the console logs from you (and preferably a screenshot of script settings used) so I can help/fix your issue ASAP, without the logs I'll just have to guess/investigate what went wrong. I'm gunna setup a cannon and try it out at ogres and see if I find any issues/bugs to update. Resolved in osbot client 2.6.1? Please confirm. I've seen this happen a few times but it's stopped now. I will be investigating the cause of this and speaking with the developers/scripters to find out more. Hello - I've seen this occur I will make sure this is fixed in v271.1 today. Would you like the bot to deposit all and then re-withdraw, or do you want the bot to just withdraw missing pieces, so withdraw-2 if you have 2 food and need a total of 4. Or would you like this to be an option in the setup window (preferred!) Will be available in v271.1, I've added a function so it stays logged in despite the 20-minute timer. I'll re-activate your trial so you can test it before you buy. Please don't buy until you try! EDIT: All trials activated enjoy!
  7. Make sure to be in a blast furnace official world, can you confirm this please. EDIT: 358 is the normal world but I recommend going to other blast furnace worlds, e.g. 386 Also guys good luck, it's friday don't forget to turn on your bots for the weekend xD
  8. I agree, I'll be adding preparation mode to this script, to make it more CLI-friendly too amongst other things. I already have something like this coded in my other script (e.g. crafting) so it won't take long to convert the system over to the runecrafter xD
  9. Will take a look at d'hides now, was re-writing parts of the GE system to allow price setting, both will be complete very soon @Wishy How's progress, any bans or good progress recently? Or moved to a different method xD @stakeinthekneee OS, memory and cpu specs? Also are you hiding the paint/overlay to help with cpu (via the F2 hotkey). Some users have said that linux seems to be more cpu intensive than windows for some reason. I'll help - it shouldn't be using that much cpu. Also does the method you're doing (in crafting) require a lot of walking?
  10. Congrats dude!! :D Feel free to post some results/screenshots for the main thread if you'd like xD What's your next goal? Also did you make or lose gp?
  11. Hello it's recommended to have the runes/staves/equipment already prepared before starting the bot for maximum stability, if you'd like I could easily add a way to withdraw runes too, would only take a few mins. I'll do this for the upcoming version ty :]
  12. Will add a handler for this too. Any success with the script lately, any bans/decent level-ups?
  13. Done enjoy, update was delayed for a bit since I'm using the opportunity to re-write a couple core parts of the bot, you guys will appreciate it and notice a huge difference Edit: posted v136.0 will be live automatically in a couple hours enjoy. Some features in the previous page described were antiban features which help prevent bans but I am in the process of making everything optional, and placed in the behaviour tab. With that being said I’m also adding new stability improvements in the next version
  14. You mean like equipping the staff to alch then re-equipping main weapon once the game starts? I can add this if you want, easy I just thought it would be more efficient & safer (fewer bot clicks) to just alch with runes - update coming up.
  15. Bot is back online enjoy! It's working again EDIT: Also, update v141.1 is now live you guys will be noticing some improvements over the last version, gl
  16. Please avoid botting in hotspot/typical botting areas like Monk of Zamoraks.. that's one of the worst places to bot nowadays. Try zeah, there's a whole continent out there if you really want to avoid bans you'll avoid them. It seems none of you have mirror mode I highly recommend using mirror if you want to prevent bans, but stealth is fine. Make sure you give this a read before botting and you'll see better success: Preventing RS Botting Bans V3 - Botting & Bans - OSBot :: 2007 OSRS Botting
  17. Authed a few bots. I'll announce it as soon as the patch/fix goes live. So sorry guys it's completely my fault I wanted to optimise the script for the newer coming client style and made a few mistakes
  18. Guys please use the new devbuild, the setup interface keeps glitching on the old osbot (v2.5.87) and freezes. It is sorted out & fixed in the old client too we're just waiting on an update (automatically happens and shouldn't take long) but please stick with the newer clients: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.6.0.jar If you still can't get it to run, pm me I'll temp auth you other bots of mine to use for free until the update goes live. This applies only to users who own a copy of the Perfect Miner bot!
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