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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Good find, looks like the smither needs a quick patch since the last update from jagex. I'll be submitting smithing update v47.0 shortly. Also just authed you a couple scripts since you also found an issue on the crafter (spinning wool) which is now fixed as of yesterday, again thanks for all the help!
  2. Awesome thanks! I'll be posting another update today
  3. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Good idea, we only have Seers' teleport, but adding camelot teleport tab would be a nice addition. Unless you mean the normal camelot teleport spell or tab? Please confirm. I can easily add both anyway. As for random mouse and camera, our philosophy is fewer movements = fewer bans, So personally I'd leave the camera alone and just pause it completely however not everyone will like this because everyone has their own playstyle/theory about bans. However I can easily add an option to toggle it. For randomness (both camera and mouse) we already have those in place (like every other bot in osbot) but I can make some proprietary adjustments so we can better distinguish this bot from others and reduce bans even more ^^
  4. Hey No problem, can I ask if you're using range/mage/melee? Other than that, any lag on mirror mode (and reaction timer?) I'll investigate now
  5. For soda ash not yet but good idea, will potentially add this if it's allowed/classified as crafting xD @Zipper B Good find, I'll have a patch for this made today
  6. Happy botting, sorry for the late reply, and you won't regret botting blast furnace - some nice profits to be made with mith/addy these days
  7. Authed and posted a new update regarding quest item buying stage, update will automatically go live within a couple hours
  8. GE Restocking (BETA) is now live, gl guys, NOTE: Please do not buy the script for ge restocking, it is beta and in testing stages. I haven't found any issues but after extensive testing we may notice some issues.
  9. Update is pending there was a small glitch while uploading, it should be resolved in a couple hours automatically
  10. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    It needs some gp to buy the logs* for 1-50 firemaking, and some gp for food, but yes it's compatible from a level 3. I recommend having at least 100-200k total, but it isn't compatible with HCIM yet unless you have the logs ready in your bank. We're planning on adding a HCIM version (1-50) with woodcutting but that is still long away. The next biggest update will most likely be clue hunter grabber
  11. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Posted update v4.51, script works much better now, it was broken due to last update
  12. Interesting, mind sharing the cli used so I can accurately debug and patch this? If not don't worry I'll mess around with some options and patch this in no time
  13. Atm no real support for the newer lovakite ores but I'll add this in the next version, should be an easy addition (just a matter of finding the ids) Thanks for suggestion
  14. Good find there, will add this now! It should be in C:/Users/my_pc_name/OSBot/Data/perfect_fighter Also you raise a good point, the bot should have a built-in way to delete profiles imo. Will see how I can do this and release Also guys will be needing some testers from this week forward for a couple new plugins coming for the fighter
  15. Yep we have sandstone grinding support with two methods (un-note at bandits, or humidify spell) gl sir :d
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