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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Using resized resolution or normal? Also which trees (feel free to not answer this question if secret). In any case I'll hop in-game now and investigate & help.
  2. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    New Update (v182.0) - Added new feature: Mousewheel Camera -- Will help with preventing bans especially since it's a new feature -- No other agility bot on this site has this feature yet - Added new behaviour: Minimise camera movements -- For users who believe in minimising camera movements as much as possible Version automatically available within 24 hours. Feel free to share results either here or on the discord. Preview (ignore version - notice how the camera was moved with the mouse in one fluid motion):
  3. Thanks for helping us improve the bot even more! Just added some new settings too, as well as increased the random frequency of the walk there, you should be noticing it in 143.1 today Also guys, I'll be adding pickaxe upgrading very soon as requested in the discord server.
  4. New Update (v143.0) - Added new behaviour setting 'Repair struts when full' I've been working on this update already since yesterday. Update will automatically go live within a couple hours enjoy everyone I'll explore some options for the pathing, ultimately I may add a setting [more direct paths] and slap a ban-warning on it. My biggest priority is preventing bans, you will also feel the same way after losing maxed mains etc like I did. I want to make you happy and make everyone else happy too. The way that the bot's antiban is set up right now has been working very, very well for many users (including myself) and the last thing I want is for ban rate to go up. I don't like creating patterns and clicking on the same tile each time (very risky) which is why I made it random. Otherwise would you like it to be even more random (perhaps a wider area to choose from?). Also, you mentioned it's closer to go to deposit box - there is an option to use deposit box instead of bank; was this enabled by any chance? (Preview below) Aside from that - some nice screenshots over the past week, went from 65 to 75 recently and around ~300 golden nuggets. Will be using this to add gem mining to my mining bot since it's a popular request in my discord
  5. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Authed gl sir, big gains to be made on this script. We have clue hunter feature coming up too
  6. Welcome!! Can confirm that @haru123 is a very helpful guy, very friendly to scripters and always willing to help. Big shoutout to this guy, helped with adding a new feature to my aio thieving bot.
  7. Facts Finally someone with a brain (:
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    New Update (v217.5) - Added improvements to the shadow veil (beta) spell, should be working better Also made a start on adding custom breaks ^^ Update will automatically go live within 24 hrs, wanted to do a final test run with the quest completed before submitting
  9. New Update (v146) - Added barbarian fish'n'cook plugin (BETA) Update will automatically go live within 24 hrs, gl all, more to come. Thanks for patience too!
  10. It's part of the antiban, everything needs to be random and distinguished from other bots. Other bots walk directly to spot = predictable and robotic, we do random pathing and sometimes extrapolate paths. Struts yes if you enable multi-ore mode, it'll override and repair them, because you can't submit more ore without your current batch of ore being cleaned. I can easily add a way to turn this off if you'd like.
  11. Czar

    Easy Chatbox Paint

    Good work, brings me back to the rsps days
  12. Posted update v136.3, many improvements and new features added
  13. Amazing idea! Added to list of upcoming features.
  14. No bans from idling here especially using mirror 24/7, results may vary though
  15. Good idea, either I'll add a list similar to the banking withdraw item, or just add an option for similar items or below X value items, whatever I can do to not overcomplicate the setup window because it's already too complicated as it is. Which items in particular do you intend on dropping for eat for space?
  16. Loving the frequency of giveaways recently keep it up mate
  17. With my 2 day ban accounts I basically double the breaks used, because accs become watched more after their first ban. So p2p = get a 2 day ban if caught (warning) then perm. And f2p is straight perm
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Good luck sir, it's now Monday so be slightly more careful when botting:)
  19. Authed gl good sir please bot responsibly, agility in general needs a bit more caution - but you're in good hands, especially at >60 agility those are the safer levels
  20. Very inspiring! Added to main thread good job sir hopefully you pulled a huge profit by the end of the 99
  21. Done activated trial gl good sir Don't forget to take breaks especially if doing f2p areas those are watched by jagex
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