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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot shoutout to token for being a beast as usual
  2. Done gl sir Please remember to use breaks for best results
  3. Activated gl my friend enjoy!! If you need any advice on best setups/best strategies I'm always available Please take breaks for best results, if you wanna avoid bans ^^
  4. Profits are a bit lower than what they used to be, but still better than camping rune ore and dying 24/7
  5. Czar


    No problem my friend, welcome back btw Been a long time ^^ And ban rates have changed over time, it's now lower ban rate because nobody trains there anymore for some reason, which is strange because it's still a great place to train
  6. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Done gl activated trials enjoy, if you need any advice lemme know!
  7. Czar


    Esc-hotkey mode (you must turn on esc shortcut key to close interfaces): (I have a feeling you enabled this mode and forgot to enable the hotkey in-game) Normal/classic mode: I don't see anything wrong with the bot, if you have any issues please tell me what's wrong so I can help. But it seems to be working above
  8. Czar


    It should be working, have you set up the bot correctly? Please don't be rude, it doesn't help anything So have bronze arrows equipped, and coins in inventory, and start near the ranging guild. If doing classic mode then set zoom to default, otherwise zoom completely out and it should start.
  9. Authed you a trial run so you can see if you like or not. Gl sir, yes waterskins are supported, it'll either un-note them at the bandit camp nearby, or use humidify spell to refill.
  10. Sure! Done gl sir Herblore is a safe skill since it's a bankstander, but don't forget to take a couple breaks from time to time
  11. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Done authed, gl! Please remember to use the breaks feature for more humanlike botting ^^
  12. Authed a trial gl Currently working on updates mentioned above
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Activated - Good choice! Thieving is insane profit at the later levels (80+) and it only takes a couple days to reach, from level 1. I think it's 60-120k/hr at ardy knights which is dope.
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Authed gl guys have fun! Please remember to use breaks for best results and an easy 99 EDIT: Also forgot to mention - added seaweed spore to master farmers looting, enjoy
  15. Authed glglgl Please remember to use breaks and it'll be an easy 99
  16. Done enjoy! Please use breaks for best results
  17. Fixed @hillamo it should be available in v149.0 today. It is my fault, yesterday's CLI update may have turned off the code for it, just patched it. My apologies, I have authed you a couple bots so you don't miss out on any botting while we wait.
  18. Just posted a patch, the script will now take the boat selected in GUI. For some reason it kept taking the small (40) boat all the time. It is my fault sorry, I may have accidentally left that code in while coding yesterday's new CLI update. It should now be back to normal where it goes to the boat you selected (either 40, 70, 100). Patch v65.0 will auto-update within a couple hours, enjoy!
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