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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Ty for the report, I will add some tweaks. I recommend using walk-setting 2 if the walker doesn't handle some webs or some stuff, it usually solves it - a nice temp workaround ^^ And for single combat area hmmm good find, there could be a loophole since the npc isn't technically in combat (or doesn't have hp bar) so I will add some safety patches ty sir @LaosI haven't seen any bans lately, make sure you take breaks and use mirror for best results, avoid typical areas like chickens/cows at lumbridge on fresh f2p accounts those are suspicious, lmk what your setup/target is and I'll help you avoid bans easily
  2. Yep mirror should be for everything, just thought it was something else sorry! EDIT: Ignore everything I said, it seems I broke the script after the last update, trying to add CLI/Goldfarming support to the script. My apologies, should be back to normal soon. I wanted to add more automation to the bot and ended up breaking the GUI/setup panel code so it wasn't registering any settings we selected, and defaulted to 'Defend Knight' mode. Just submitted a patch, all settings should be back to normal in v68.0. The bot will auto-update within a couple hours you should see the version number changing when it's live. Changes include: - Portal mode now actually activates, prioritise spinners now activates, delta mid-route changing walking system now activates. For some reason the setup window was not registering what settings were selected at all, but it was an easy patch
  3. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Yes it's HCIM friendly, added the bot to you guys' list, gl guys
  4. Ty for the logs I'll add an update. I just need to know which teleport now, if that's okay with you. I assume glory? And did you have it equipped or just normal dialogue, from the logs it seems like it was a right-click->dialogue which I would advise against, but either way I'll make it work for all situations ^^ Awesome Welcome to the club XD And yeah I agree, mirror is a bit slower than normal client this affects every script, we usually just tweak the reaction timer because IMO 1000ms is too slow, 50ms does the trick but then uses more cpu/mem, so this is a nice sweet spot. I'm going to make some tweaks to crabs as well, just to be safe. I also think it was the hobgoblin too, I'll make it more evasive to them Nope, but I really really wish we could safely add these. I may have to do a separate script for revs with like a huge warning on it like I did with my prayer bot. Because getting pked will basically mean it's not worth it. My anti-pk system is being developed though, and I got a chance to improve my hop system with my new prayer bot so progress is definitely being made. Just needs a decent break handler and a way to keep track of names/pkers and it'll be good enough for beta
  5. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done you guys should now see the bot on your list, gl!
  6. Done gl sir Hmmm I worry the client isn't detecting portals, using mirror mode btw? Also for splatters, do you have this setting enabled? [Safe mode: attack npcs more often]. In any case I'll work on a new patch ASAP to tweak those.
  7. Bear in mind mirror mode is technically 2 clients Unless you're doing a stealth injection farm then that's different
  8. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Authed glglgl I'm documenting my journey to 99 agil, 88 atm ^^
  9. Activated gl my friend enjoy!
  10. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Activated 24 hr free trial enjoy sir
  11. Done gl guys enjoy! Thanks for all the support I really appreciate it
  12. Legend!! Added result to main thread keep it up sir
  13. Updated the thread with the store link, ty!
  14. Done gl guys No custom break yet but it will be added in the near future.
  15. I found the problem thank you!! Looks like amulet of chemistry isn't supported with Tasks/Progressive mode, but I'll add that today, my apologies! It seems to only work without task/progressive mode, should be an easy patch.
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I've got the best setup for this bot, just recorded a couple clips of 99 for my upcoming vid:
  17. Ty for the logs, will check out amulet of chemistry, I hope it wasn't a client issue, I'm investigating now. EDIT: It seems to be working, is there any luck after a client restart? I'm gunna keep it running to see what happens and post an update I'll add some more stability patches in the meantime for v102 just in case.
  18. Gave trial, gl sir yes port piscarillius is supported for some fishing spots
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