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Everything posted by Czar

  1. helo evripati this thread strictly for donators only?
  2. Yes autosplasher is supported under Damage spells -> type npc name Personally safest option is to do bankstanding spells, my favourite is the jewellery enchanting one. That's how I level my accounts for minigames/bosses (1-75+ mage)
  3. Atm not on the sdn currently but I'm dam near positive SF has one
  4. Good suggestion, I'll take a look at it today. I kind of lost track of the new guardians update but I will make sure to add anything I can
  5. Done gl sir enjoy! Please bot responsibly, use stealth with hardware mouse, or ideally mirror with new mouse
  6. Yes sure does, authed gl sir enjoy
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Thieving will be one of the easiest 99s you get, you'll see Done gl sir enjoy!
  8. Yes sure I'll look into those now, ty for the heads up something may have changed after a recent osrs update or something, I'll take care of it ASAP @Power4life
  9. Muler was released by Malcolm before I released mine, please refer to the bot "Ultimate Muler" on the sdn ^^ Trials added gl guys
  10. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I am also doing massive numbers with this script, my aim is to get 1k crystal shards from doing priffdinas course - so far so good ^^ I have been training many accounts from 1-73 for my noob accs that make $ with runecrafting (which need 77 rc 73 agil) and they supply gp to main had a couple hiccups during primes but it's almost over
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Ty for heads up I'll take care of it in the next version asap Trials added gl
  12. Any time ^^ Gl my friend if you need any more advice lmk
  13. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Just hit 99 couple hours ago, will send pics later didn't quite catch the proggy
  14. Done authed, just hit 80 smithing on my noob account will show progress soon can't wait for 85 This is my most recent proggy @ 76
  15. You need to alch noted/stackable items
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