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$500.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Timekeeper

  1. Timekeeper


    I +Support a feature that controls what we see, such as we can set the minimum user we see to VIP, so we won't see any non-vip posting, or set it to sponsor or so forth. But this idea is just another one shit canned without any mature form of discussion on how to implement or benefits.
  2. ITT: Arguing about the theoretical practicality of a suggestion with no emphasis on evidence or personal bias and ignoring the idea of the potential application of the idea. Why even have a suggestion forums if the suggestions aren't even going to be open for any discussion above mere personal opinions and no regard of the benefits that may be derived from it?
  3. Timekeeper


    Except I am the guy buying his kid the Audi is the difference here. There is a very tangible negativity here towards donors without a word being said. Without even making provoking statements I was accused of thinking I am better than people almost immediately upon buying the rank. You can't say an opinion with this rank withhout someone somehow inferring that you are throwing your rank around. Let's be non-partial for a moment. The request is very quite siimple to do. Within 15 minutes this sub forum could be created. But just look at the contempt Mald responds to this question with. All that being said, I didn't donor for rank, color, or anything. I sincerely donated to support the financial side of OSBot, and this childish negativity people regard a monetary rank with is mute to my ears. But it is interesting how simplistic and non-evasive such request are handled.
  4. I am referring to in the the actual chat box window. and maybe a link to the release sub forum telling them to keep their eye out for the update. It's never been tried I am genuinely confused about the resistance to even try it lol.
  5. Looks like you're trying to work through some self-esteem issues. Don't remember ever bringing up the value of my contributions in regard to decision making. @Raf- But that doesnt convey information, everytime they explode it for information seeking, conveying that we know the bot is down and it is being worked on and back up soon may relieve a lot of the stress. Honestly I don't see any harm in trying
  6. Need a sub-forum for us $100+ Donors and us alone. We have much to discuss.
  7. Let's riot their fuakin headquarters. Ill buy all you peasants flights let's do this shit. Storm their offices and make them unban all our accounts
  8. Don't talk like that about my future ex-wife
  9. Announcement: There needs to be some sort of a banner/announcement that can be put at top of the shout box, edited by CBAs, GMs, Admins, SMs, that can be used to convery important information. Such as when the bot is down letting everyone know the bot is down, and is currently being worked out. I feel this will stop the flood every time the bot goes down. Requirement: I would also like to see a minimum post count to be require for access, could be something low like 10-20, just to stop leechers from flooding us. Thank you,
  10. Will do, But I got the guys IP so waiting to see if staff can cross reference and see who it is,
  11. Apparently someone is adding a bunch of people trying to do trades in my name. Always require I message you via forums. My personal skype is timekeeper.osbot@outlook.com This is the impersonators profile. http://gyazo.com/ffae31451a5004ff91839e9d8aa0d1ea
  12. Obviously you were high as fuck and imagined all of this
  13. She better hire a fuakin translator
  14. I build a secret floor under my villa in the florida keys, and keep her locked into that floor.
  15. She will sign a contract giving me virtually all control over her and asserting herself to me as my personal property. She will not be allowed to make her own decisions
  16. Listen here you heavenly blessed beauty, I will buy you a direct non-stop flight first class to the US, I will sign as a supervisor/guardian on your green card application, and buy you all the Ramen the states has to offer, if you agree to be one of my wives (Pay keen attention to the plural form of wife, this is crucial) Pack your things immediately and get your passport updated, I'll send you your flight details immediately upon your consent.
  17. I vote this thread for one of the most unintelligent and detrimental to IQ threads ever made.
  18. I purchased the 100 donor, but I also have the Sponsor rank and it doesnt show, as well as VIP
  19. The combining bs makes no sense. Keep the skills seperate. If I want a mining script I don't want to search through mining and smithing scripts. Also the store should be the same way, categories for each skill and status of paid or free.
  20. Mikasa breh, Make yourself familiar with this when you have time http://osbot.org/forum/topic/25357-spamflame-rules-updated-december-2nd-2013-v2/ Assuming you never seen it before brosephina
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