Lol son please.
Most of the globe is under the protection of the United States Military.
Everyone bitchs about our funding, it's because if we didn't have the military we have, the shit russia just pulled with Ukraine would be incredibly common place.
Iraq? A horrible dictator who slaughtered his own people was put down, Afghanistan, a terrorist network responsible for tens of thousands of deaths has been reduced to renegade factions.
They arent easy decisions, there almost never are. But men greater than you or I play a dangerous game, and they play for keeps. So make your angry internet rant, make your angry facebook post about the "police state".
Then go enjoy everything being in the United States provides you.
I've been around the world, I've seen dozens of other countries, nearly everyone missing something we would consider fundamental. No system is perfect, but if you want to bitch about Governments and act like ours is corrupted and bust, I ask you go to any South African country, go to any South American country, tour countries ran on Theology, and then come back here, in the safety of your home that the very government you rebel against provides you, use the services and benefits they provide you. Go get a job at a business that thrives because of our market system and legislation.
The come back home, and make your little rant post, under the safety of the United States of America.