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Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Spoke to, made an order Didn't get an add from you :0
  2. I wouldn't try to mimic that if I were you, it's not the best overall. You'll pick up the bad habits in it.
  3. Kinetic


    That sig is nothing to brag about LOL
  4. Kinetic

    New signature

    Good concept, bad execution. You've used LQ images + then added a choppy animation over the top, which just makes it all look LQ overall.
  5. I don't like it. It just doesn't look like you've done much to it in Photoshop side of things, looks way too plain imo.
  6. Kinetic

    Capt America

    You should of kept his original colours, it just changes the way everything looks like this. Post the original colors
  7. The CC (if that's what you're using) changes the #181818 colour of the background, so it's just a big box on the outside.
  8. Depending on the complexity level of it, i can do it for that price. Skype : kinetic.es
  9. Reminds me of those 2006 gaming websites I used to go on "when" I was a kid.
  10. If you're willing to pay a little higher let me know
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