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Everything posted by Lemons

  1. you have your code setup in a bad way with all the nests. Move the area contains check outside the not area contains check, lever.interact() returns a boolean for a reason, and need some conditional sleeps for the dialogue stuff probably.
  2. Can confirm dialogues work well, thanks for the update!
  3. This code... would never work. Your comparing players X/Y ingame coords to mouse coords, only increasing the mouse Y by 1, nice try though :p myPlayer().getPosition().translate(0, 1).interact("Walk here"); Should work.
  4. rofl. On topic, there is a search option in the upper right, entering "Flax" brings up... http://osbot.org/forum/topic/66760-flax-picker-pro-gnome-seers-easy-money-making/ http://osbot.org/forum/topic/55490-extreme-aio-goldfarmer-aio-fisher-planker-tanner-flax-picker-spinner-fast-flawless-50k-300k-gp-ph/
  5. Honestly your best bet it to just use throw-away accs and bot those, this way its not just a big deal when it gets banned. I doubt 1 ban is gonna flag your IP though, I have had many (30+) f2p accs banned on this IP and still no flag ^^ Just don't bot accs you don't wanna lose, or be prepared to lose it for ever. Gambling isn't fun
  6. Yep, bot = ban is the only safe assumption.
  7. Yep, read the github page for details, but once setup its basically web.findPath(position), can be gnome stronghold if in lumby and it'll walk it. Like I said add me on Skype/Steam and I can help set you up ^^
  8. Can use my web walker if you'd like, topic here. Any questions/etc contact is in my profile ^^
  9. From your specs, gonna guess your HDD is a pos. Need a more detailed spec page than this though Edit: Useful tool for building your own PC: http://pcpartpicker.com/
  10. Lemons

    Fishing Bots..

    Yep, issue with the client and dialogues atm. Wish it was my fault cause I could fix it then :p
  11. Only thing I would do different is to make the currentTask a field rather than in the onLoop. Other than that looks sweet, might add a priority system for like when you get into combat it won't continue trying to do the current task?
  12. Assume no linux support then either
  13. Technicality, the only "scripters" that matter on OSBot are OSBot scripters :p So, wait 3 weeks or go spam somewhere else.
  14. They mean as a new scripter on this site. I've done RS bots since 2006 and I still gotta wait :p. Unless you've been a SDN Scripter on this site, 3 weeks
  15. Just do your time, its 3 weeks.
  16. Appears bank.close() doesn't do anything, just idles for a while then script continues (without the bank having been closed). Other banking features seem to be working fine though.
  17. Yep, 100x better, definitely usable now! Edit: Seems turning on "Low CPU" in the menu makes the script nearly unable to do basic dialogue (didn't test interactions). This was with the Customs Officer on Karamja, would move the move a few pixels at the time and lag. Without "Low CPU" enabled it works like a charm though!
  18. Will let you know how it goes, thanks again for the quick updates!
  19. Thank you looking into this ^^ If it helps I've boiled it down to hover() being the slow part for most interactions, though other parts could be as well.
  20. There seems to be an issue with the new client, yes. If you let the script sit for a loooong time it'll eventually go slowly, but thats it atm.
  21. Yep, I find it takes 30s-2m per interaction with new types of objects/etc. After that it runs a little faster but still slow. Same results?
  22. The issue currently seems to be its taking a long time to cache the info. Once the cache happens (takes my script like 2 mins to get fully going), it runs fine but this initial caching needs to be optimized if possible.
  23. That's an alternative too, but it could be detectable in the future, but what isn't :p
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