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Everything posted by Lemons

  1. If it breaks the rules the account it can be banned. If it doesn't, it won't. So if it does botting/rwt/gold farming/etc it can be banned. Else, nope.
  2. 0.027% of 2734 = 0.73818 aka, only 3/4 of an account lol. Real question is, did no one foresee this as the outcome lol.
  3. Yes, you can have multiple computers running Mirror mode, each using a proxy (assuming your using proxifier or something similar). You could also use VirtualBox/VMs if you have a decent desktop.
  4. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/84306-tutorial-how-to-use-credits-for-one-time-vip-no-auto-renew-required/
  5. Click the source link I gave, said they had to up it to 16GB to make it smooth :\ Its just bad memory handling imo, it'll be fixed in a patch.
  6. Without knowing too much, its either the CPU or GPU if I had to guess. - If its the GPU, try lowering the settings to the absolute lowest possible (potato level). If it runs smooth, its *probably* the GPU with a few exceptions. - If you can go to Task Manager and see the process is maxing out (would depend on the # of cores it can use). I don't think its the HDD/SSD or RAM as you said it happens consistently throughout the match. Honestly, i think its just a new game and your hardware is a little old, there will probably be a game/driver update soon that fixes these issues. For now, can try the AMD beta drivers: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/latest-catalyst-windows-beta.aspx EDIT: "The GTX 980 Ti, with its 6 GB video memory, was developing a noticeable stutter." - This should tell you all you need to know LOL (appears they want lots of RAM, an update will prob fix this issue) (source)
  7. In my opinion, expensive laptops are a waste of money. Everything is on the board, so besides RAM and HDD there is no upgrade path. Since you seem determined to get a laptop though, I'll give some pointers: - Laptop GPU's are typically dumbed-down versions of their Desktop counter-parts. Make sure its actually good enough to do X (use online benchmarks, making sure you have the "M" or Mobile version). - Test it at a local store if possible. You can order it online once your done, but its best to test that it feels right before getting it. Also, keyboards that feel cheap typically are, get ready to order replacements (my last laptop I used ~6 keyboard but I do a bit of typing). - Make sure the brand has decent support. It might be cheaper in the beginning, but when shit breaks its nice to be able to just send it in instead of pulling hair out. See how their customer support ranks, remember you're not only buying hardware but a warranty/support too. I might of missed a few things but these are the big ones in my opinion. Specs are good, but there is more than high specs.
  8. Tutorial island scripts are high ban rate, make sure to leave the accs inactive for atleast an hour after botting tut island to counter-act delay bans. As for changing IP, you can either call up your ISP if you have a static address, or reset your router if you have a dynamic address. Otherwise, you can purchase a proxy/VPN here/elsewhere to be used.
  9. Memory would be the biggest concern in my opinion. Depending on the requirements of the OS/mirror client/osrs client, might add up I'm guessing 2GB a VM, but not sure how the mirror client is with memory leaks as of late. Either way good luck!
  10. Was watching yesterday and tuned in today to that lady, and yeah had to exit out of the tab :x
  11. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/85067-client-issue-resizable-mode-solver-wont-go-away/ try to keep it in one thread
  12. There has been issues with high resolutions and GUIs, not sure how to fix other than reset your windows font size (and might not work?). Someone else will prob be more useful.
  13. I believe stunned = animating no? So just while myPlayer().isAnimating() make it sleep/wait (I think you can eat stunned idk tho). Someone more familiar with thieving will correct me if I am wrong :p
  14. Says if you get traded Yew logs you won't be able to trade Yew logs for a week. So, that will definitely make resource botting trickier, if you can only dump once a week and have everyone trying to snatch your resources as you run around. Some method to trade getting around these restrictions will probably surface though.
  15. Do you mean premium scripts? If so this sounds like you were using a poorly designed script. The overhead of OSBot + runescape can be covered with 50% of my virtual 2GHz core (one single core) on Digital Ocean. My scripts add on 10-50% more depending on what they are doing. So its def not OSBot, prob just the scripts were very inefficient.
  16. 2ghz should run it fine, if its one dedicated core. Overstacked/oversold is probably the real issue at play here.
  17. Define "core", whos your hosting provider? What script are you using? Did Low CPU fix it or no?
  18. That null check should be unneeded as I don't think they return nulls in the list.
  19. filter will go through all the items in the list just like a loop will, unless its async it shouldn't perform significantly better. I do agree filters are much cleaner code though. Also, without using a 3rd party API you can use filter like: getObjects().getAll().stream().filter(o -> o.exists()).findFirst() Its not as pretty but it works! Edit: Fixed derp typo lol
  20. Lemons

    why? ;-;

    Much more complicated than this lol. But it can be protected against, just requires $$$ (a lot of $$$).
  21. java -jar "osbot 2.3.122.jar" 1024 1024 = # of MB of RAM Edit: As Muffins said, only use this if your doing say 2+ tabs per client or w/e, else its a script issue and should be resolved rather than "fixed" with this.
  22. Just do like TheObserver said and make one gmail (example: botter@gmail.com) and just add +____ to the end (so botter+1@gmail.com, botter+2@gmail.com, botter+fuckjagex@gmail.com, etc). It works very well :p Also you can put "." anywhere in your gmail as well.
  23. Yeah, this one is for credits for two reasons: 1) Your a nub without a bank account (like myself), paypal hates automatic renewals without one 2) You don't wanna worry about cancelling (I know there's a way through paypal but seems most try through the client area)
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