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Everything posted by Anon

  1. i get it it was suppose to be funny but it wasn't
  2. Nice job man. I sure will use this. tho enum instances should be uppercase and separated by "_" underscore as they are static final You don't truly need to do that..... Honestly no one gives a shit about that
  3. I also agree script writers should be voted in. I do see so many idiots running around with the rank. Kind of like me :P
  4. Anon

    Open Source Slayer

    I would love to help
  5. Oh crap i just realized this was under Application Dev. Sorry bout that
  6. You don't need to necessarily write all that to the file just write the int value and then read it and assign it to an int. Pushing onto the stack in java i think is weird and stuff.
  7. Yes this is true but im pretty sure raf is doing something with the scripter ranks right now so no one can currently get one
  8. Anon


    Like Who? Jared (Anon)
  9. Anon


    I don't think it should be just because you can keep your computer on all night auto clicking the refresh button getting your time online up
  10. lol there goes another admin on vacation like maxi -,-
  11. I would take dashboard off but i think Master for super and Basic for global
  12. Anon

    Conditional Sleeps

    There is already something in the API that maxi made for this.. Looks identical :P
  13. in the chop method you should find the tree and check for nulls and stuff RS2Object tree = this.closestObjectForName(area,"Tree"); //dont really know the method w.e. it is you get what i am saying if(tree != null) if(tree.isVisible() && tree.exsists()) tree.interact("Chop Down"); Something along those lines also you should make a getState() method in which returns the current state instead of having one global state that you are going off of. and do switch(getState()) { case CHOP: }
  14. its an ok anti-ban just if you want more just add on to it. I sure will be using this in my scripts Thanks
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhqZYqXBA5Q all red portal clips in this video was doing this method...(not script however,I would never release frameds script. Fake and gay NOBODY falls for this anymore that is worth getting. Probs just some of their gay friends making a gay vid
  16. NO this is what faggots do and unless your a faggot don't do it....... Nobody falls for this shit anyway not people worth getting there money anyway
  17. Yeah i agree! (Even though i'm not a chatbox mod)
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