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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Harry

  1. Harry


    Well it's not gonna help when he's banned. :P
  2. Murgee Auto Click, also can get it cracked easy. https://www.murgee.com/auto-clicker/ Best feature about it is the area you can select it to click.
  3. Late reply, but sweet and thanks for the updates Alek.
  4. As long as it's a 1:1 ratio I'm sure it's allowed according to JMods. (Sorry if I got anything wrong, I'm pretty new to AHK myself lol) Here's the script used on AHK: 1::mousemove -390,0,0, R 2::click 3::mousemove 390,0,0, R `::suspend ;onyx=200 ;dragonstone=300 ;diamond=390
  5. Harry

    Yo guys

    Whalecum, thx for the sale
  6. No problem, thanks for going first.
  7. I'll be able to sell you 2M. PM me and I'm sure we can come to some kind of arrangement. Skype: tr.o.ll
  8. PM me, would rather have someone who's trusted in the community. Edit: Willing to lower the price slightly. Also ONLY selling the whole 70M.
  9. Tips. 1. Buy prem scripts 2. Bot in places where nobody else really bots 3. Babysit bot You'll probably get banned though.
  10. I'd be interested in some graphics if you are still making. Skype: LordPiglet
  11. Point out the obvious. I just said I'll use MM or a trusted user.
  12. Mine was a though. pls no flame.
  13. I don't mind using MM (middleman) Won't go first unless the user is trusted! Skype: LordPiglet I'll pay fees.
  14. Don't think you understood the troll face man... NO FLAME PLS
  15. Grats man, you seem chill. I think you'll do a good job.
  16. That ass gets me everytime. and good work Alek.
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