As my post has been altered by someone which had the picture I submitted showing you the foreign IP address that was last logged into my E-Mail account I'll repost it.
This is all the people who have logged into my E-Mail account. Now, you get a notification on other linked devices when there are 2 people signed into your E-Mail account at the same time. You following me here? Now look at the second to last Login details. While every single other login are the same, that one is different. Now let me try to explain to you the odds of this happening "Randomly" merely hours after selling an account that had the same login information as runescape information. You're telling me, That the 2 people that just got my Runescape account E-Mail address and password, Which was identical to my E-Mail username and password just HOURS before this happened, are NOT responsible for going into my E-Mail? That seems like monumental odds that it wasn't them correct?
Also you're right, It's NOT there fault I didn't change my E-Mail accounts details, But you know what? I shouldn't have to. They had no right to go into my E-Mail account and tamper with it yeah? That's like telling you "Oh well I saw you type in your paypal password at the library, Your fault for not hiding it better, Thanks for the money" Is that legit to you? Because if it is you run a very shoddy business here.