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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. I'm looking into this. The user claims "bot free" unless you REQUEST botting, which you clearly didn't request botting. The user changed his TOS without permission from the staff. Monster Inc is now in the TWC group until he refunds or completes your order on a separate account, you two can come up with a decision. Aggre is remaining in the TWC group until we talk, as you threatened to scam quit. Which is understandable as you were upset, and just raging. Pm me. In your thread you clearly claim you have to REQUEST botting, which he didn't. You clearly claim here, that it is a bot free, unless you request in your TOS, which you changed without the permission of the OSBot staff.
  2. Anyone that is banned can simply appeal. Don't be stupid @Seks If you want to come back, appeal and stop acting like a fucking retard.
  3. So assuming you didn't unplug it when you went to bed, typical ignoring the master.
  4. If they are ex staff they left on good terms, resigned, or got demoted for inactivity. No one on the current ex staff team has any bad blood with OSBot, except one person, but I can't make that call to ban them.
  5. I've admitted to scamming since the day I registered.
  6. There are like 5-6 other forums with markets, scammers aren't going to go through pages to find an account but not go to another site and find it if they can't find it here.
  7. The same goes with any site, I understand. People fall into scamming. I used to be a scammer, I know a few friends that used to scam. A few of our ex staff members will admit to scamming back in the day and so will a lot of other people that are trusted now. The difference is, can you grow up and move on from the immature life you once lived. I get angry when I think about how immature and stupid I was with pixels. I consider our site to be very good compared to other sites with scam. We've had one major thing happen with the scams.
  8. it isn't hard to use google and find images. Hiding them will do nothing, we usually lock old ones etc. You can do a quick google search of the image and see if it has been posted else where.
  9. Definitely, If I promote them and they leave respectably I don't lose any trust in them. Most of the ones I personally demoted/resigned I would bring back in a heart beat if they had the time. I am not sure if there is one staff member I personally promoted that I wouldn't bring back if they could bring the same thing they did when promoted.
  10. I was wondering how you guys view the ex staff members, do you see the title and think trusted/respected? How do you personally view it? If you see ex staff do you think they should have done something of value while on the staff team? Answer these few questions How long should they have served before being eligible for the rank? Do you think they should get it for doing minimal work and never being active after their departure from the team? Are you currently fine with this ex staff list If not who and why would you take them off, do not answer if you were not active when they were here. You can pm me so your answer is confidential. -------------------------- @Nick @Nezz @Arctic @Asuna @Eliot @Ericthecmh - Secondary pip is Ex Staff at users request. @Gilgad @Mikasa @Jordan @Raflesia @Laz @Master Chief @Smart Mod logs, are logs put in the admin control panel to show what people did while they served as mods. They consist of hiding posts, doing reports by the users, deleting posts, hiding threads, handling disputes, approving topics/posts, moving threads to different sections, going through and cleaning up sections, editing posts to meet the rules, editing profiles to meet the rules, and editing peoples member titles. The number one person with mod logs is @Smart He served for a long time and did a lot of work. He accumulated over 13,000 Mod logs. I will not go on with the list, but he was by far the most active member of the staff while he was here and did the most work while he was a moderator. That being said, mod logs are considered to be pretty much the only sign of activity, that along with handling disputes. So I ask you this now, do you think someone with less than 300 logs should be an ex staff member? Knowing it takes about 1 month to get 300 logs if you don't do much. One of our newest mods has over 700 in the few months he has been here. The forums have been slower than usual when others were staff, and he still accumulated over 700 since december. That is over 10 logs per day. Which is doing 10 of the above described at least 10 times per day for the last 2 months. Thanks, @Maldesto
  11. Just unplug your modem when you go to sleep. Wake up plug it back in check if it changed.
  12. I'm proud of you man, I despise smoking. My parents smoked in the car with me and in the house with me and I couldn't breathe. I have a very strong passion to try to get people to quit smoking. Contact me at 1 month without a cigarette, I'd like to talk to you about it. I've been trying to get my parents to quit for over 10 years now.
  13. oh you meant this july you were coming back not last july?

    1. Gilgad


      Brah, I got bills to pay now hahah can't spend my time moddin ;) Life came in the way of my gaming world :'( how you doin bro?

  14. Some reset like that, but others take longer, and some don't do it at all. :p
  15. Unplug your modem while you sleep. My internet provider assigns a new ip if it is unplugged for 8 hours.
  16. You were banned, for spamming, feel free to appeal
  17. You can report the posts and they will be removed.
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