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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. Maldesto

    Mirror mode?

    It is a very advanced way of botting. Read that thread provided.
  2. I bought this users gold, 213m to be exact. User was very new to the whole process, give him time if you are trying to buy it. He will usually contact me before trying to sell, so don't try to scam him, it won't happen.
  3. Amazing, as always.
  4. No one without permission is if their thread isnt stickied report it
  5. For some reason Alek renamed it and removed suggestions. I'll add it back.
  6. Look over it, see what you think i should change now.
  7. talking to volta in cb now. Volta is completing this order.
  8. I am looking for someone to do all f2p quests + requirements, so whatever stats you need to complete all the f2p quests you need to get on your own (legit). Give me a price in paypal or 07 gp.
  9. random skype birthday, not my real one!!
  10. I think that will get you banned bud.
  11. User has been removed from TWC
  12. Maldesto

    3K team

    sounds weird, oh yeah that was a year ago.
  13. If you want to post on the dispute, use the report button and type a message for us, or pm the mod handling it. Posting does you nothing, but create us more problems.
  14. We need proof of him taking the order, I see no conversation where he agrees to the order. Also what did he scam? I see no scam other than not doing a service and canceling it. You kicked him out of the group? Also those chat logs aren't considered proof, I removed them from the dispute.
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