Don't bother, it's bullshit... But if you get curious and you're the sort of person who enjoys bullshit, the link is below.
(Of course you enjoy bullshit, you've been playing Runescape for almost a decade you fucking moron)
Here's my personal gear/setup preferences if anyone's interested.
Ring of the Gods or Ring of Suffering would be preferable but I don't have the bank for either.
Substitute range cape for accumulator if you don't have 99. I desperately need to trim the bastard.
Run pouch contains blood and ice blitz. (For healing on and stunning the meleer when necessary)
I only roll with people I know because you simply can't trust a stranger to split a big drop with you.
I have a fair few friends from my home town that I frequently PvM with but I'm nocturnal and they're not.
I need some more reliable friends in other time-zones that can boss with me when my boys aren't around.
Currently 115 combat and looking for people around a similar level so the kill-counts are fairly distributed between us.
I'm down for DKS and Corp mostly, I find that GWD is generally fucking awful profit per hour in comparison.
PM IGN's if you're game.