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Everything posted by Benz

  1. Legolas without a bow is not acceptable. Cheater.
  2. No. World hunger is bad. Cancer is bad. The government is bad. Harambe memes are fucking terrible.
  3. Was that a recent update or something? What's inside it?
  4. Benz


    I can't hear you over the sound of how poor I'm not.
  5. Benz


    I feel so much better knowing you honestly, seriously, genuinely, fully, properly, definitely drink coffee. You're as much of a mug as the cups that you drink from. x
  6. Benz


    Brags about coffee consumption
  7. king benz vs u guys know when to quit u have the smaller brains than me ok
  8. Benz

    This happened.

    I wouldn't put these things on social media. Only here where there's strangers to trigger.
  9. Benz


    She could probably knock you out and honestly that makes me happy.
  10. Benz

    This happened.

    You would if you could
  11. Benz


    Only one letter away from fit.
  12. Benz

    This happened.

    Gosh no, every last one of us is a disease to mother Earth.
  13. Benz


  14. Benz


  15. Benz


    Oh shit, I completely forgot I wrote you a catchy little jingle when you were being an obnoxious, little bitch last week. I'll give you a shout when it's done.
  16. Benz


    There's no such thing as too much RS. Get real. It's from too much coffee.
  17. Benz


    Cute for a cancer roach
  18. Benz

    This happened.

    Earlier this year I had a dream in which I was followed home and stabbed outside my front door. A couple of months after I was being followed home and decided to walk a different direction than I did in the dream so that I'd approach my front door from the opposite direction. As I was walking up to my block of flats, still being followed, a police car pulled up looking for somebody and the person following me ran away.
  19. Afk at ogres. Moderate to high xp. Low attention. Occasional high level seed drops.
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