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Everything posted by Benz

  1. Benz

    LF> 60-70 STR

    Defence level? E.G. Will I need to bank? Also why RPG and not Obby maul lol?
  2. Benz

    This happened.

    Update on today so far: Visage Berserker ring x2 Seers ring Archers ring Dragon axe Whip
  3. Benz


  4. I can't condone picking on those with learning difficulties.
  5. Benz

    This happened.

    Just got two Berserker rings and a Seers ring on Dags task. This is a good day.
  6. Benz

    This happened.

  7. Benz

    This happened.

    Last night I dreamt that I'd get a visage today. Was gonna go wyverns and try my luck after a few slayer tasks...
  8. https://soundcloud.com/monxxbeats/monxx-humiliation
  9. I can imagine this would be brilliant if Ellie Goulding wasn't destroying it.
  10. Might seem like a daft thing to say but have a quick scout on Ebay for second hand gaming PC's. For 700$ you can literally buy 2-3 computers that are probably better than the ones you've already been looking at.
  11. Neither mate. I've heard nothing but bad things about AMD, so I'd say the first but an i3 processor is a tad weak for that price tag.
  12. Benz

    Bye guys

    Let's be honest, he's leaving because he's on 420 post count and doesn't want to ruin it.
  13. Willing to make level 65 hunter accounts from scratch for 18m ea. (Hand done)
  14. Benz


    I saw a video of somebody eating fruit loops and milk from a stretched, gaping bum-hole today. I would post it but it's not worth the warning points.
  15. If by "different, popular things" you mean money making, that's classed as gold farming and results in a full force ban-hammer.
  16. Definitely more of a mains method as opposed to throwaways.
  17. Benz


    They don't offer UK conversions as far as I'm aware.
  18. Thursdays update bought fantastic update to the Shilo Village underground gem mine. There are now a tonne of gem rocks leading in a circuit to a deposit box. With 70 mining and a dragon pickaxe I'm able to get 50k XP/H and at least 400k-600k GP/H. (15-30k per inv, 20-30 invs per hour) It's far less intensive than Blast Mining and more profitable. Requirements: Dragon Pickaxe Charged amuet of glory (Makes gems mine in a few ticks) Karamja hard diary (Stat reqs below) 44 Runecrafting 30 Cooking 34 Woodcutting 50 Strength 53 Agility 50 Thieving 52 Mining 42 Ranged 100 Combat 50 Slayer (I post some screenies to make this look more professional but Lightshot isn't working ATM)
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