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Everything posted by Civocks

  1. Could I get a trial please Could I get a trial please
  2. Have some to sell, please respond to me on chatbox whenever you're free
  3. Civocks

    Fruity NMZ

    Hello, just a little thing that maybe could be added or changed (perhaps I have wrong settings). I'm using prayer flicks for str boost and to keep at 1 hp, but when it decides to flick rapid heal to reset the health timer it leaves the other prayer flick on sometimes, resulting in prayer being drained slowly. Not the biggest issue, but would allow my nmz games to last a bit longer.
  4. Civocks

    Fruity NMZ

    Could I get a trial please @Fruity Edit: You gave me a trial for Zulrah instead of this one :c
  5. Hello, I was under the impression that the trial was 6H? Just wondering bc I wanted to purchase it so I wouldn't have to worry about time expiring in the middle of afk'ing, but the script is still just working fine for me. Thanks.
  6. Could I also have a trial for a bit?
  7. pls http://gyazo.com/ad992562d880a98c36af93ef830a3357
  8. Using the mirror client if that plays any part in this. http://gyazo.com/6215cde541129755c78153418e08968c
  9. Though I can't tell you with 100% guarantee, the mirror client that VIP's use seems to be quite promising in avoiding the ban hammer.
  10. The script works near perfect for me so far, considering I've only used one location (Al Kharid) The one issue I've come across is that at times the door closes and when outside, the bot doesn't seem to realize this and stands on the other side of the wall trying to use my needed to be cooked item on the range. Waited for around 5-6 attempts before fixing it manually. Edit: I assume this could only possibly be a problem in Al Kharid since of the door interaction, so not really a big qualm ^^
  11. I would like a trial of : APA AIO Cooker I would like a trial because: I've purchased scripts before here, and often times figure out after the fact that they are broken in some way. Would like to test beforehand before making any commitment.
  12. Think I have the same issue, just tested and I can input numbers ranging from 900-1000 ish, but it will always show up as 989 mb allocated.
  13. Yeah i've tried that. Am I supposed to put 1 for gb? or 1024 for 1gb? Regardless either number i put in causes the client to no longer launch correctly.
  14. I see the xxx/494mb on the bottom of my client, but whenever I try and allocate more via the Advanced tab it just makes it so that OSBot will not start at all. Tried with both mirrored and standard.
  15. Amount of RSGP: 5m Payment method: Paypal Added me yet: Yes
  16. Civocks


    Pay, yes. The question is how much... (Assuming each is custom made etc. etc.)
  17. Sounds really nice, can't wait.
  18. Bought from your site but had to refund cause no stock. ;^(. When you get stock again msg me ;^) added you on skype
  19. Thanks for fast update, hope for fast fix as well ;^)
  20. Broken image for me, maybe cause I'm in school. I'll check later at home. ;^(
  21. Lol gratz. Got to gold IV before the rewards came out, but haven't played much since. gl on getting higher.
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